
What if money loses its leaves?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What if money loses its leaves?

Artemisia mandshurica is a very lovely plant, not only because of its good name, but also because its leaf-shaped leaf color itself has a certain ornamental value. With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people begin to plant some green plants at home to watch, and Artemisia mandshurica has become one of them, but as an ornamental plant, if its leaves fall seriously, then its ornamental quality will be greatly reduced. So what should we do when we encounter money and lose its leaves?

First, the reason why money loses its leaves

If we want to find the solution to the loss of leaves in money, we must first find out the reason why it is lost in leaves. has summed up three points for you here. Let's take a look.

1. Overwatering

If you water money wood too much each time and fail to discharge it in time, stagnant water will be formed in the soil, which will lead to poor breathing of money wood roots, leading to money rotten roots, resulting in leaves falling.

two。 Environmental impact

Usually, the money wood we raise is raised indoors in the form of potted plants. If the indoor temperature is unstable by air conditioning or heating, suddenly hot and cold, or if it is placed in a place with relatively dark light for a long time, it will also cause the leaves of the tree to fall.

3. Influence of diseases and insect pests

This is the most difficult point to control, because we can not control the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, we can only take corresponding prevention and control measures. If Artemisia mandshurica is attacked by diseases and insect pests, its leaves will turn yellow and soft and eventually fall off or even die.

Second, the solution to the loss of leaves by money

1. Watering method

Money wood watering should be in accordance with the principle of no drying, no watering, as long as the soil has a certain degree of moisture is enough, do not store water.

two。 Temperature control

The most suitable growth temperature of Artemisia angustifolia is between 20 ℃ and 32 ℃. If the temperature is too low in winter, some measures should be taken to keep it warm. If the indoor culture is placed in an air-conditioning or heating room, the temperature should be stable, and the lowest temperature should be more than 10 ℃.

3. Light

It is necessary to put the money wood in a place where there is more care, but we should also be careful not to let the hot sun be exposed to the sun. We need to do a good job of shading in summer and more light in winter.

4. Pest control

Diseases and insect pests cannot be eradicated, so measures can only be taken to prevent and cure them. When you find diseases and insect pests, you should clean up the diseased leaves in time to prevent the virus from spreading among the leaves. In addition, spraying is needed for prevention and control, which has the best control effect.

The above are the reasons and treatment methods introduced to you by the pro-agricultural network about the falling leaves of money wood. In fact, if you look at it carefully, you can find that the solution is corresponding to the reason. Therefore, when we encounter the problem of falling leaves of money trees, we should first find out the reasons and then take measures, and we should not adopt them blindly.