
What if the leaves of the office plants turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What if the leaves of the office plants turn yellow?

Now most companies will put some green plants in the office, which can not only bring some life to the office, but also purify the air in the office, let people see that it can also relieve stress, it can be said to kill many birds with one stone, but if it is not taken care of properly, the green plants in the office can easily wilt and the leaves turn yellow, so how can we make the green plants in the office come back to life? Next, the pro-agricultural network will introduce it to you.

I. the reasons for the yellowing of green plants in the office

Due to the special office environment, when the leaves of cultured green plants turn yellow, it should be analyzed in combination with the specific situation. Here, the pro-agriculture network summarizes three reasons for everyone, all of which are analyzed in combination with the actual environment of the office. we might as well have a look at it first.

1. the new supersedes the old

Metabolism is very easy to occur in the process of plant growth, if you find that the new leaves are very healthy, only occasionally there will be some yellow leaves at the bottom, as long as you take them off and throw them away. If this happens to plants that have been cultivated for a long time, it may be due to the lack of nutrients in the basin and the yellowing of leaves, so it would be better to change the pot for breeding or replenish fertilizer.

two。 Poor ventilation

The office is a relatively closed space, especially after work in the evening, the doors and windows are closed and the ventilation is improper. Summer and winter, the opening of air conditioning and heating, indoor ventilation is poor, perhaps you do not notice anything in a comfortable environment, but after summer, the indoor return to natural temperature, the phenomenon of yellowing of green plants will be more serious.

3. Overwatering

Putting plants in the office and watering has become a big problem. Unless it is a designated person to maintain, otherwise it is easy to water flowerpots waterlogged situation, plants are the most taboo watering. The ventilation and lighting environment of the office is inherently worse than that outside, and the moisture in the soil will not evaporate for a long time, and various situations of stagnant water, rotten roots and yellowing will occur.

II. Maintenance methods of green plants in offices

Knowing the reason why the leaves of green plants turn yellow in the office, from what angle should we start to maintain green plants?

1. Moderate watering

Most of the offices are poorly ventilated, and the water evaporation in the flowerpots is relatively small, while the porcelain pots that are often used in office pots are often used aesthetically, and many plants are thrown away after being raised half way for a year. Since the flowerpot can't be changed, let's change the watering. Try to reduce the amount of water, specially responsible for maintenance, to avoid heavy water.

two。 Location is very important.

The green plant in the office needs a certain amount of sunlight, so it is necessary to choose the appropriate location, appropriate air humidity, and spray water on the ground and green plant leaves when necessary, so as to meet the humidity requirements of the plant. In addition, the most important point, the placement of green plants as far as possible away from the air outlet of the air conditioner.

3. Avoid touching at random

Some green leafy plants can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be played with. Often touch its leaves, will cause the leaves waving buds to be damaged. It not only affects the normal growth of the plant, but also affects the ornamental.

These are the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of the green plants in the office introduced by the pro-agricultural network, as well as the maintenance methods of the green plants in the office, hoping to bring some help to the urban office workers. In fact, we often look at the computer during working hours. Occasionally looking at the green plants can also protect our eyesight. I hope that the green plants in everyone's office can grow well.