
How to raise Ruixiang in Phnom Penh in winter

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to raise Ruixiang in Phnom Penh in winter

Phnom Penh Daphne is a traditional famous flower in China, which has a wide range of uses. in addition to simple ornamental, its root can be used as medicine, and stem bark fiber can also be used as a raw material for papermaking. The florescence of Phnom Penh Ruixiang is usually during the Spring Festival, so the maintenance of autumn and winter season is particularly important, which is directly related to whether Phnom Penh Ruixiang can bloom during the Spring Festival. Below, the pro-agricultural network will introduce to you how to raise Phnom Penh Ruixiang in winter.

Maintenance methods of Daphne odora in winter in Phnom Penh

1. Move into the room

Usually after Frosts Descent, we have to move Phnom Penh Ruixiang to indoor maintenance. Phnom Penh Ruixiang safe overwintering temperature above 5 ℃, so during the day can be placed in the south window to receive sunlight, sunny weather can also open the window for ventilation, at night you have to move to a place with higher indoor temperature, not because of laziness to put Phnom Penh incense on the window all the time, because the outdoor temperature is low at night, it is possible to frostbite even if you close the window.

two。 Fertilizer application

If the potted soil of Phnom Penh Ruixiang does not apply base fertilizer at first, then it should be fertilized frequently, but not raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer, do not let ants, earthworms and other animals appear in the soil, and it is appropriate to apply light fertilizer. Soybean water or potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be used. If you are not careful to apply too much fertilizer at one time, you can let the fertilizer flow away from the bottom of the basin and reduce the damage by watering it several times in a row, and then put the basin in a ventilated place to let the soil dry as soon as possible.

3. Watering

The growth rate of Phnom Penh incense is relatively slow in winter, so the amount of water should be controlled. Usually we can tell whether the amount of water is appropriate from the feedback of the leaves, if the leaves are straight and straight up, it means that the water and fertilizer is normal; the leaves are drooping, indicating that they are watered too much or too often.

If too much watering produces stagnant water, it can easily lead to rotting roots. After rotting roots, take off the plant in time, cut off the rotten roots, wash them with fungicides, and then replant them.

Second, what should Ruixiang do in winter in Phnom Penh?

Falling buds is also a common but thorny problem, because the florescence of Phnom Penh Daphne is mainly in winter, if the buds fall, it will reduce the number of flowers and affect the ornamental value, so it is necessary to prepare for prevention in advance. Mainly from the two aspects of temperature control and fertilization.

1. Temperature control

Phnom Penh Ruixiang likes warmth and can't stand the bright light. Excessive sunlight and low temperature will cause buds to fall. In addition to controlling the temperature, it is also necessary to note that in a stuffy environment, Phnom Penh Daphne is easy to suffer from mosaic disease, which will cause a large number of buds falling, so it is necessary to spray Bordeaux solution in time to prevent and cure it.

two。 Fertilizer application

Fertilization pays attention to the application of thin fertilizer, which can last from the beginning of autumn to the blooming of flowers. Before the formation of the bud, it is mainly phosphate fertilizer; after the bud formation, it can be replaced with potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, foliar spraying, or root irrigation, and the fertilizer water should be sprayed evenly to estimate the positive and negative sides of the leaf. After this treatment, the bud will grow firmly on the branch and do not have to worry about the occurrence of bud drop.

The above is the relevant content about how to raise Ruixiang in Phnom Penh in winter. I hope it can bring some help to all flower friends. Pro-agricultural network also has many other flower breeding knowledge introduction, hope that friends can continue to pay attention to us yo!