
Planting method of Chinese chive

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Planting method of Chinese chive

Leek is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, which is yellowed by softening cultivation of leek, otherwise known as leek bud, yellow leek bud, leek white, etc., produces isolated light and grows completely in the dark. Because there is no sun supply, it cannot carry out photosynthesis and synthesize chlorophyll. It will turn yellow. Let's take a look at the planting method of leek together.

Seed treatment

1. Variety selection: yellow leek varieties suitable for cultivation in China can be selected, such as yellow leek No. 1, 791 snow leek king, snow leek No. 4 and so on.

2. Plot selection: the cultivation of leek should choose the land with fertile land and convenient irrigation and drainage conditions, but try not to connect with continuous stubble land or onion and garlic stubble land.

3. Seed treatment: soak the seeds with no more than 53 ℃ of water, and it is not easy to soak too much water. After soaking for more than 10 hours, mix the seeds with 2 ~ 3 ‰ carbendazim dry and wet powder for use.

Prepare the land for border formation

1. Seedling bed: 2.5 jin per mu, 3 square meters for every dual-purpose seedbed and 75 square meters for each mu. The seedling bed is 1-1.4 meters wide, no or less base fertilizer is applied during soil preparation, and the depth is about 30 cm. After turning, it is leveled with claw trenches, flat with flat shoes, and then flat.

2. Planting bed: the planting bed of Jiuhuang Miao should be dry and whole, and the dry border should be ditched and watered. The planting bed is in the east-west direction, sandwiched with wind barriers on the north and west sides, with a width of 2.2 meters and a length of 30 meters, with a distance of 1.4 meters between the two beds, which is 1.5 meters high.

Planting preparation

1. Raising seedlings: the breeding time of leek is about April 15 every year. The prepared seedling beds are watered before raising seedlings, and the seeds are evenly mixed with carbendazim, and then 5% phoxim granules are sprayed.

2. Film mulching: after sowing, leek seeds are covered with sifted topsoil 0.5 cm and then immediately leveled, sprayed with Caojing (a chemical that has no effect on the growth of onion and garlic), covered with plastic film, and compacted with soil on both sides.

3. Topdressing: remove the plastic film when the leek seedlings have 80% outcrop, water once in 5-7 days before and after growing to five leaves, fertilize 7.5-12.5 kg urea in two mu with water, and stop watering 5-7 days before transplanting.

Planting management

1. Timely bed arrangement: the planting of leek begins around June 25 every year, focusing on moderate soil humidity. Dry land, dry land, ditching, watering and planting. Wet border preparation, the soil is easy to consolidate, poor ventilation, it is difficult to grow new roots.

2. Applying sufficient base fertilizer: ten thousand jin of farm manure per mu, 20 kg of biological fertilizer, 20 kg of urea or diammonium, 150 kg of superphosphate and 35 kg of potassium sulfate, the fertilizer and soil are fully mixed, the border soil is loose and suitable, and the border surface is smooth.

3. Transplanting in time: when the leek seedlings grow to 4 to 5 leaves and about 20 cm high, they can be transplanted according to reasonable density, proper planting depth, proper watering and appropriate medication.

4. Reasonable close planting: the planting bed width of Chinese chive is 2.2 meters, when the row spacing is 30 cm and the plant spacing is 5 cm, the leek has both high yield and high quality, and it can still produce high and stable yield without inverting the border for 4-6 years.

6. Proper depth: special attention should be paid to the depth of transplanting leek seedlings. The seedlings are too deep, the tillers are late and few, and the later growth is not prosperous, and the seedlings are too shallow and easy to spread. Depending on the size of the leek seedlings, determine the depth of the planting ditch.

7. Appropriate medication: after the leek seedlings were planted, 5% phoxim granules and 25% carbendazim wettable powder were sprinkled on the leek roots, each 2.5 kg per mu, and then covered with soil. Spray once 5-7 days after planting.

8. Timely watering: after the leek seedlings are transplanted, water should be watered thoroughly, hoe and soil moisture should be preserved immediately, so that the border surface is dry and not wet. After a large number of new roots grow, depending on the dry and wet condition of the border surface, water is watered again.

9. Fertilizer and water management: leek grows all the year round and needs a large amount of fertilizer. according to the growth characteristics of different cultivation purposes and different periods and the demand for water and fertilizer, rational fertilization and watering should be promoted and controlled and used flexibly.

Pest control

1. Botrytis cinerea: Botrytis cinerea is mainly harmful to leaves. When a small number of plants are found to be diseased, it should be sprayed with 1000 times of 50% promethazol or 50% propofol, or it can be controlled with 50% carbendazim wettable powder.

2. Epidemic disease: the epidemic disease can harm roots, stems and leaves, and the more serious the disease is when the humidity is high. If it is found that 50% nail cream copper 600 times solution or 64% poison alum 400 times solution should be sprayed every 7-8 days, it is better to spray 2-3 days.

3. Verticillium wilt: Verticillium wilt can harm leaves, yellowing and sagging leaves, gradually dying, and spraying with 50% carbendazim 500 times or 70% mancozeb 500 times solution.

4. Leek maggots: ground spraying is used to control leek maggots, that is, 2.5% trichlorfon powder is applied along the ridge, 22.6kg per mu, or 1000 times of phoxim EC from 9 am to 11:00 during the peak period of adults.

5. Leaf miner: from the peak spawning period to the early stage of larval incubation, the leaf miner should be sprayed with 75% cypermethrin 5000-7000 times, or 2.5% deltamethrin, 20% fenvalerate or other pyrethroid pesticides 1500-2000 times.

6. Thrips: in the peak stage of larval occurrence, thrips were sprayed with 1000 times of phoxim, 4000 times of imidacloprid, 3000 times of pyrimidine, or 15002500 times of pyrethroids such as 2.5% deltamethrin.