
The breeding method of zebra evergreen

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The breeding method of zebra evergreen

Zebra evergreen, also known as fine spot silk grass, winter unwithered grass and so on, is a kind of shade-tolerant and easy-to-maintain plant, which is very suitable for planting as indoor foliage plants. The leaf color of this plant is dark green, the markings are clear, and it appears solemn but not grandiose. Below, the pro-farm network will introduce to you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of zebra evergreen.

I. the growth habits of zebra evergreen

Zebra evergreen likes to live in a warm and humid environment, preferably in a semi-shady environment. It is not strict with the soil, and is not cold-resistant. It can survive the winter safely if the temperature is above 5 ℃ in winter. The demand for sunlight of zebra evergreen is not high, and it needs shade in summer and autumn. Usually when we breed indoors, if the indoor light is bright enough, we don't have to bask in the sun. Next, let's take a look at the specific breeding methods of zebra evergreen.

2. Breeding methods of zebra evergreen

1. Temperature

The most suitable temperature for the growth of zebra evergreen is between 18 and 30 ℃. Too low temperature in winter will lead to frost damage, and if the temperature is lower than 0 ℃, it may lead to direct freezing to death, so some measures should be taken to keep warm in winter.

two。 Light

Zebra evergreen is very afraid of direct sunlight and often grows in shade. Even a short period of intense sunlight is not allowed, because it will make its leaves yellow and withered, so it is different from other plants. I don't like light very much, and it's because it's suitable for growing in the house.

3. Moisture content

This is a very important point to pay attention to. If it is in summer, we have to spray a little water on its leaves sooner or later, as well as on the ground around its plant. In this way, we can not only reduce the temperature, but also increase the humidity.

In spring and autumn, when watering, look at the dryness of the basin soil. If it is not dry, do not water it. If it is dry, you can water it properly. After entering the winter, we have to reduce watering, because if the basin soil is too wet at this time, there may be rotten roots.

4. Fertilizer application

The growing season of zebra evergreen is spring and autumn, at this time, topdressing is needed every half a month to meet the nutrition needed for its growth. in addition to these two times, some base fertilizer can be applied to the soil to help it grow better. Except for these time points, there is no need to apply fertilizer, especially in summer and winter, fertilization will inhibit its growth.

5. Soil

Zebra evergreen does not have high requirements for soil, except for saline-alkali soil, it is best to use loose, fertile, well-drained rotten leaf soil, garden soil and a small amount of river sand mixed basin soil, so that it can meet its growth needs and make it grow better in the future.

The above are the breeding methods and matters needing attention about zebra evergreen brought by the pro-farm network. I hope you can get something after watching it. Zebra evergreen is a plant of Araceae, so it has a certain degree of toxicity. in the process of breeding, we should not touch its juice, and it is even more inedible.