
What about the curling of the leaves of double-line bamboo taro?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What about the curling of the leaves of double-line bamboo taro?

Double line arrowroot is a kind of plant variety with relatively shade tolerance, which is very suitable for cultivation at home. Even if it is cultivated in a dark room for a period of time, it has no great influence on its growth. However, some friends will encounter curly leaves of double line arrowroot in the process of cultivation, which will have a certain impact on viewing. The following pro-agricultural network to tell you how to do double-line arrowroot leaf curl related matters.

1. The reason why the leaves of the two-line arrowroot curl

To understand how to do the curly leaves of double-line arrowroot, we first need to know why the leaves of double-line arrowroot curl. Here, we summarize three reasons, including too much or too little water, too strong sunlight, and insect pests. Let's take a closer look.

1. improper moisture

Inappropriate moisture is one of the reasons that lead to curly leaves of arrowroot. arrowroot is sensitive to moisture. If there is too little watering or insufficient humidity in the air, the leaves of arrowroot will curl up. If there is lack of moisture in the growth period of new leaves, the new leaves will be difficult to stretch due to dry air, the leaf edges will be scorched yellow, and the leaves will be small and dull, which will seriously affect the viewing effect. However, if too much watering, serious water in the pot, the leaves of the two-line arrowroot will curl, the roots will rot, and even the plant will die.

2. The sun is too strong.

Double-line arrowroot is more tolerant of shade. It only needs to provide a semi-shady environment to meet its demand for sunlight. Too strong light or direct sunlight will make the leaves of double-line arrowroot curl instead.

3. pest impact

This is a relatively difficult point to control, once the two-line arrowroot is attacked by the fungus, the leaves will gradually curl, wilt, and fall when it is serious. If left untreated at this point, the fungus will soon affect the entire plant.

Second, the treatment method of double line arrowroot leaf curl

1. The leaves of double-line arrowroot are relatively large and the water evaporates relatively quickly, so it should be watered in time, preferably by spraying, and gradually increase the amount of watering with the increase of new leaves. At the same time, spraying water can also increase the humidity in the air. Under normal circumstances, the humidity of the growing environment of arrowroot should be controlled at about 85%-90%.

2. avoid direct sunlight

Double-line arrowroot likes a semi-shady environment, so it should be placed in a volume environment. If you are worried that excessive lack of light will cause poor plant growth, you can place the double-line arrowroot on the balcony, windowsill, etc. at regular intervals to absorb scattered light. Avoid direct sunlight in the middle of summer or at noon.

3. pest control

The prevention and control of pests and diseases requires us to pay special attention to observation in daily maintenance. Once signs of pests and diseases are found, measures should be taken immediately. At the same time, attention should be paid to maintaining air circulation and soil permeability and drainage during maintenance to reduce the possibility of pests and diseases.

The above is the pro-agricultural network for everyone to introduce the causes and treatment of the curly leaves of the double-line arrowroot, I hope to bring you some help. In addition, parents also remind everyone that double-line arrowroot is a tropical plant, winter is not cold-resistant, if you want to make it safe winter needs to maintain a temperature above 10℃.