
What if the leaves of the stars turn yellow and wither?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, What if the leaves of the stars turn yellow and wither?

The star is a very common kind of flowers in our daily life. When we walk into any flower shop, we can see the stars all over the sky, and there are many people who breed them. In the process of breeding, we often find that the leaves are dry and yellowed all over the sky, so what is the reason for this? Next, the pro-agricultural network will introduce it to you.

1. Normal metabolism

In the process of normal metabolism, the leaves will be withered and yellowed, which is characterized by the fact that the withered and yellowing position is mainly concentrated in the lower part of the plant, so there is no need to worry at this time. Generally, as long as the dry yellow leaves are cut off, then a little nitrogen fertilizer will be enough.

Second, too much watering

When we are breeding all over the sky, the demand for water is relatively large, and we often need to water it, but we must master certain skills and pay attention to the amount of watering. If when watering, watering too much, it will lead to the sky full of soil is too wet, or even stagnant water, which is easy to make the leaves dry and yellowing signs.

In the cultivation of all over the sky when the right amount of water, wait until the soil to avoid drying before watering. The soil is usually slightly whitish or dry. And it is best to put the plant in a well-ventilated place.

Third, weather reasons

The weather may also lead to the yellowing of leaves in the sky, which often occurs in summer. As the summer weather is hot and the temperature is high, the stars in the sky will be dormant. At this time, if you water and fertilize it according to the normal maintenance, it is easy to have rotten roots, resulting in dry leaves and yellowing. In addition, the strong light in summer, if the stars are exposed to the sun, it will also damage its leaves, so in the summer maintenance should pay attention to cool the stars, block the sun in time, so as not to let the stars receive too strong light.

These are the reasons and solutions that the pro-agricultural network summarized for you about the yellowing and drying of the leaves of the star, hoping to bring some help to you. If you have the above problems in the breeding process, you should first analyze the specific causes of the problems, and then prescribe the right medicine to the case. if you take measures blindly, it may be counterproductive.