
Where can I buy cherry saplings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Where can I buy cherry saplings?

Cherry and cherry are different varieties of the same plant, in fact, the English word cherries (cherry), the fruit is bigger than cherry, fruit appearance bright color, crystal beautiful, red such as agate, cultivation value is very high, China produced in Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan, Gansu, Shaanxi and other places, let's take a look at where to buy cherry saplings!

Where can I buy cherry saplings?

Cherry is produced in the United States, Canada, Chile and other places, there are many cherries planted in northern China, but the scale is not very large, and cherries are not easy to bear fruit in the south of the Yangtze River, so Chinese cherries can only be planted in the south of the Yangtze River. At present, seedlings have been introduced and cultivated successfully in Shandong area of China, but the color and taste of cherry fruits are still a little different from those made in the United States. If you want to buy cherry seedlings, you can buy them in Beijing, Shandong and other places.

How much is a cherry sapling?

The market price of cherry seedlings is about 510 yuan per tree, but the specifications and varieties of the seedlings are different, and the price is also very different. For example, the cherry seedlings with a height of 1 to 1.5 meters, a ground diameter of 1 cm and a survival rate of 95% are about 15 yuan each. The height is 2.5 meters, the ground diameter is 3 centimeters, and the survival rate is 99%. The dwarf cherry seedling is about 3035 yuan. The height is 0.8-1.2 m, the ground diameter is 1-2 cm, and the survival rate is 95%. The Brooks cherry sapling is about 4-5 yuan per tree.

What are the conditions for cherry planting?

1. Temperature: Cherry is warm rather than cold-resistant, so it adapts to cool and dry climate. It is suitable for cultivation in North, Northwest and Southern Northeast of China, but high temperature drying in summer is disadvantageous to growth. The lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than-20. Too low temperature will cause longitudinal cracking of twigs and glue flow. Flowers will suffer frost damage when the temperature drops below-3 ℃ during flowering, so it is not suitable to develop cherries in areas where it is too cold.

2. Moisture: cherries are very sensitive to water conditions and are neither drought-resistant nor waterlogging-resistant. Like other drupes, the root system requires higher oxygen, if the soil moisture is too much and the oxygen is insufficient, it will affect the normal respiration of the root, the tree can not grow and develop normally, cause rotten root, gum flow, and seriously lead to the death of the tree.

3. Illumination: Cherry is a light-loving tree species, with strong tree body, long life span of fruit branches, full flower buds, high fruit setting rate, early ripening, good coloring, high sugar content and less sour taste when the light condition is good. When the light condition is poor, the tree is easy to grow, the branch in the crown is weak, the life of the fruiting branch is short, the fruit position moves outward, the flower bud develops poorly, the fruit setting rate is low, the fruit coloring is poor, the ripening is late, and the quality is poor.

4. Soil: Cherry is suitable to be cultivated on sandy loam or gravelly loam with deep soil layer, loose soil, good air permeability and strong water retention. When cultivated in clay soil, cherry has shallow root distribution, no drought resistance, no waterlogging resistance and no wind resistance. It is very sensitive to the degree of salinization, and the suitable soil pH value is 5.6-7, so it is not suitable to plant cherry in saline-alkali area.

5. Wind: the root system of cherry is generally shallow, and the wind resistance is poor. Strong winds in severe winter and early spring can easily cause branches to dry and flower buds frozen. During the flowering period, the strong wind is easy to dry the stigma mucus and affect the pollination of insects. Typhoons in summer and autumn will cause branches to break and trees to fall, causing greater losses. Therefore, it is necessary to build a windbreak forest or choose an area with a good small environment to build a garden in areas with strong winds.