
Causes and Control of split Melon

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Causes and Control of split Melon

Melon is now more and more popular in the market, but also more and more demand, now the melon market is far more than before, prices are gradually rising, quality demand is also higher and higher. Therefore, it attracts a large number of people to compete to start large-scale planting, but a period of time after the results, many friends will find that melon has a very serious cracking fruit now. Serious harm to the quality and yield of melon, on the economic interests of growers will also have a great impact, then what causes cracking fruit? How to prevent it? Let's take a look together!

1. Uneven humidity

In order to prevent excessive growth of stems and leaves during the seedling stage of melon, many friends will control the amount of water in the early stage. In fact, this is very unfavorable to the growth of melon, which will cause serious water shortage during the fruit expansion period, resulting in thickened and hardened pericarp, premature aging, and after the fruit expansion period, melon needs a lot of fertilizer water, but many people will water too much, so that the inside of melon begins to expand rapidly, resulting in cracking fruit. Therefore, it is necessary to control the water demand of melons at various stages and maintain good growth.

2. Hormonal causes

Since planting melons, many people have used chlorpheniramine plant growth regulators to improve the melon's sitting rate. However, most of them do not strictly follow the specifications and methods of use in the instructions. When using growth regulators, the appropriate concentration should be adjusted according to changes in temperature. If the concentration is too high, especially in the early stages of the result, if growth inhibitors are used, the concentration should not be too high. Too high a concentration will make the fruit surface prematurely aging, internal growth speed accelerated, peel can not keep up with the internal growth speed, leading to cracking fruit, so be sure to use according to the instructions and temperature changes.

3. Early leaf picking

In the process of planting melon, in order to reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests, prevent the occurrence of diseases and strengthen the permeability of the garden, the old leaves at the bottom of the plant will be removed. However, if the old leaves are removed too early or too much, the fruit at the bottom of the plant will lose the shade effect of the leaves. Melon is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, which is premature aging of the pericarp, producing round turtle cracks when the pericarp shrinks, forming cracked fruits. Therefore, it is necessary to control the time and quantity of old leaves removed to avoid direct sunlight for a long time.

4. Trace elements

It may also be due to the soil, the soil is too hard, the speed of water seepage is too slow, resulting in poor air permeability of plant roots, affecting the normal absorption of nutrients by plants. If the soil lacks trace elements such as calcium, especially on continuous cropping soil blocks, there are many cases of fruit cracking, strengthen intertillage, frequent watering, appropriate combination of topdressing, loosen the soil, enhance the permeability of the soil, and reduce diseases caused by crop physiology.

The above are several reasons for melon cracking fruit. Fruit cracking is a problem that occurs in many fruits. Don't underestimate fruit cracking, because if one fruit starts to crack fruit, it is likely to be a large-scale fruit cracking phenomenon. I hope everyone will pay attention to it. The above points may not be complete, but they are absolutely but important. I hope they will be helpful to everyone.