
How much does it cost to plant lotus root per mu?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How much does it cost to plant lotus root per mu?

Lotus root is also known as Rong Yujie, Jade Linglong, Jade arm Dragon and so on. It is planted in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Guangdong and other places. Its roots, leaves, flowers and fruits are of economic value. In addition to lotus roots and lotus seeds for consumption, pollen, lotus leaves and lotus seeds can also be used as dishes or beverages and health foods. Let's take a look at how much money is invested per mu of planting lotus roots.

How much does it cost to plant lotus root per mu?

The investment in planting lotus root can be large or small, the general land rent is about 1200 yuan / mu, chemical fertilizer and pesticide is about 600yuan / mu, lotus root seed is about 1600 yuan / mu, and the labor cost of cultivation and fertilization is about 1600 yuan / mu. Water and electricity and other costs are about 5200 yuan / mu. At the same time, Loach and Monopterus Albus can be raised in lotus root field. Take Loach as an example, 100jin Misgurnus anguillicaudatus seedlings per mu will cost about 1500 yuan. Therefore, the investment cost of planting lotus root is 6700 yuan per mu.

How much profit is there in planting lotus root per mu?

1. Vegetable lotus root: the yield of vegetable lotus root per mu is 6600 jin, the vegetable production rate is 80%, and the wholesale price is 1.6 yuan per jin, that is, 6600 yuan, 0.8 yuan, 1.6 yuan, 8448 yuan.

2. Lotus root seed: the yield of lotus root is 6600 jin per mu, the rate of finished product is 80%, and the wholesale price is 2.6 yuan per jin, that is, 6600 yuan, 0.8 yuan, 2.6 yuan, 13,728 yuan.

3. Loach: put 100 jin / mu in June, catch 200 jin / mu in November, the wholesale price is 18 yuan / jin, that is, 100kg 1800yuan.

4. Profit: the total income of lotus root per mu is 23976 yuan, minus the cost of 6700 yuan, the net profit is about 17276 yuan.

What are the conditions for planting lotus root?

The main results are as follows: 1. Temperature: the lotus root can germinate only when the lotus root is above 15 ℃. In the peak growth period, the temperature is 20: 30 ℃ and the water temperature is 21: 25 ℃. The temperature of lotus root is higher at the initial stage, but the temperature difference between day and night is larger in the later stage. During the dormant period, it is required to keep more than 5 ℃, and less than 5 ℃ is easy to be frozen.

2. Light: the lotus root is a light-loving plant and is not tolerant to shade. Sufficient light is required during the growth period, and the length of sunshine is not strict. Sufficient light in the early stage is beneficial to the growth of stems and leaves, while sufficient light in the later stage is beneficial to flowering, fruiting and enriching the lotus root.

3. Moisture: the water level of the lotus root is 510cm in the budding stage, 30cm and 50cm in the vigorous stage, and then gradually shallower with the flowering, fruiting and fruiting of the plant. Dormant overwintering only requires the soil to be fully moist or keep shallow water.

4. Soil: loam and clay loam, which are rich in organic matter, are the most suitable for lotus root growth. the content of organic matter should be at least 1.5%. The soil pH should be between 5.6 and 7.5, with equal emphasis on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Expansion: lotus root planting technology

1. Select improved varieties: select shallow lotus root varieties with no injury and disease, good seed character, large individual, complete head, complete tail, complete terminal bud and lateral bud, stout and plump lotus root nodes, early maturity and high yield, and strive to be uniform in size.

2. Fertilization and field preparation: it is better to choose the field with fertile, deep mud layer, convenient drainage and irrigation and planting rice last year. 15 days before planting lotus root, 2000-3000 kg of mature organic fertilizer, 150 kg of cake fertilizer, 70 kg of superphosphate and 80 kg of quicklime were applied.

3. Planting time: choose sunny afternoon to arrange the lotus root seeds in the field according to the required plant spacing, and then dig trenches by hand according to the size of the lotus root, the front end of the lotus root is inclined downward, and the back end is slightly exposed to the soil, which is conducive to receiving light and air and promoting germination.

4. planting method: the mud depth is covered with mud to cover the lotus root body and lotus root bud. When planting near the ridges of the field, pay attention to all the lotus root heads turn to the heart of the field when opening ditches or ponds for planting.

5. Weeding and picking leaves: a month or so after the lotus root is planted, the withered leaves are removed when the floating leaves are withering, and before closing, they are combined with topdressing and weeding. When weeding, they should walk on both sides of the rolled leaves, and the flower branches are often bent but not cut off when they appear buds or blossoms.

6. Reasonable topdressing: 25kg / mu of high-N-P compound fertilizer was applied when 3 ~ 5 standing leaves, 30kg / mu of high-N-K compound fertilizer was applied when standing leaves were full, 15kg / mu or 10kg / mu of pure potassium fertilizer was applied when ending leaves appeared.

7. adjust the water level: the lotus root is irrigated with shallow water of about 5cm from planting to sprouting, in order to increase the ground temperature and facilitate seedling emergence. With the growth of standing leaves and branches, the water layer is gradually deepened to 15cm. Shallow water should be irrigated during lotus root formation and before harvest.

8. Straighten out the lotus root head: the lotus root vine grows rapidly around in June, and artificial vine management should be carried out. Dig up the mud and pull up the lotus root vine at noon, and then turn to the blank ground and bury it in the soil.

9. Mature harvest: most of the local upper standing leaves are withered and yellow, and the lotus root can be harvested one after another when the lotus root is fully mature. The harvest of lotus root can be divided into green lotus root and withered lotus root, the green lotus root is mostly carried out in August, and the harvest of dry lotus root is from March to April of the following year.