
Breeding methods and matters needing attention of Spring Dream Dianjin

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Breeding methods and matters needing attention of Spring Dream Dianjin

Spring Dream Dianjin, also known as Ling Zijin, looks very good, like a colored lotus flower, is a succulent plant, originated in Namibia, and now widely planted in our country, because its leaves and flowers are very beautiful, strong ornamental, so what knowledge do we need to know about Spring Dream Dianjin? How to breed Spring Dream Dianjin? Next, the editor will introduce to you how to raise Spring Dream Dianjin as well as breeding methods and matters needing attention.

Because Chunmeng Dianjin is a succulent plant with a small and exquisite shape, we usually choose potted culture, and then the editor will introduce it from the light temperature and various conditions, and we will continue to look at it.

First, the culture method of Spring Dream Dianjin

1. Selection of basin

The root system of Chunmeng Dianjin is very short, so we should try to select a shallow basin when we breed, which is conducive to its growth. The soil uses special soil for succulent plants, and finally tiles are added in the basin, which is more conducive to the drainage of Chunmeng Dianjin.

2. Lighting

Spring Dream Dianjin likes to grow in a warm and dry environment, except that it can be farmed in full sunlight in summer, and its shading measures should be paid attention to in summer to avoid exposure to the leaves, and it can be transplanted to places where the optical fiber is weaker.

3. Watering

As its growth is relatively slow, so can not be overwatered, otherwise it will lead to rotten roots, watering should also be careful not to directly pour on the leaves, its leaves are very delicate and easy to be damaged.

4. Flowering maintenance

Spring Dream Dianjin florescence in summer, can self-fruiting, pink is pink, in the flowering period, we should not water too much, lest the humidity of the pot soil is too high so as to rot the roots. Because the blooming season is in summer, we should pay attention to protect against strong light exposure.

5. Temperature

For the temperature requirements, it is best to control the indoor temperature between 15 and 28 degrees as far as possible, the lowest temperature can only be 5 degrees, the highest temperature is 35 degrees, and the plants die when the temperature exceeds 35 degrees.

6. Ventilation

Flowering for the summer spring dream Dianjin should pay attention to open the window at night for ventilation to prevent the damage caused by the residual temperature at night.

II. Matters needing attention in Spring Dream Dianjin Culture

1. Avoid the rain

Spring Dream Dianjin leaves Chunmeng Dianjin leaves thick and juicy, color collocation cheerful and lively, but can not touch water, water is easy to rot. Spring Dream Dianjin to avoid watering, but also to avoid rain.

2. Humidity control of basin soil

The temperature is relatively low in winter, to maintain the dryness of the basin soil, to maintain the humidity of the basin soil in summer, and to keep the soil slightly wet by proper watering in spring and autumn.

The above is all about how to raise Spring Dream Dianjin and the breeding methods and matters needing attention. The editor finally adds one point: spring Dream Dianjin is a light-loving plant, and we must ensure the lighting time required for its full-day sunshine when we breed it. Otherwise, if there is not enough light, the Spring Dream Dianjin will produce the phenomenon of overgrowth, and too much water will also lead to its overgrowth, so friends who like to cultivate succulent plants should pay attention to it. If you want to know more about it, please continue to follow this site!