
The reason for the loss of leaves of Green Treasure Tree and its solution

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The reason for the loss of leaves of Green Treasure Tree and its solution

The green tree has an elegant and beautiful appearance and strong appreciation. Recently, a problem has been found that many flower friends' green trees are losing their leaves frequently. What is the reason for this? What should I do? Today, the editor will tell you what to do when the green treasure tree loses its leaves, the reason why the green treasure tree lost its leaves and the solutions.

First, the reason why the green treasure tree has lost its leaves

1. Too much watering: the leaves turn yellow because they are drenched or overwatered for a long time, and the humidity of the basin soil is too high, and the roots of the soil will rot due to lack of oxygen.

2. Soil drought: flowers dry and yellow fall off, this is because the pot soil is too full or watered for a long time. When we water, we must pay attention to keep the soil moist and water properly.

3. Lack of fertilizer: sometimes root fertilizer is also related to yellowing of leaves, too little fertilization or not changing pots for a long time leads to lack of nutrition in basin soil, insufficient supply of nutrients in green treasure trees and yellowing leaves, so we should adhere to fertilization and change pots regularly.

4. the light is uncomfortable and the green tree likes the light. if it is kept indoors in a dark place for a long time without access to light, it will also lead to lack of light and lose its leaves.

2. The solution to the loss of leaves in Lvbao trees

1. Watering: watering twice a week is enough. if the basin soil is white, it is necessary to water it. If the basin soil is very wet, you do not need to water it. Usually, you should remember to loosen the soil frequently and control the frequency of watering.

2.Illumination: Lvbaoshu is a light-loving plant, which can also tolerate semi-shade. But do not let the sun shine directly in summer, to build a shed to avoid burning leaves, it is best to put it in front of the balcony or window, if it is placed in the shade of the room, it will cause fallen leaves and receive more light in winter as far as possible.

3, disease prevention and control: strengthen indoor ventilation and ventilation, pay attention to control environmental humidity, avoid long-term stagnation of water on the page. When it is found that a small number of diseased leaves should be removed in time, 50% carbendazim wettable powder can be sprayed 600 times for 3-4 times, each time every half a month, and the live worms should be wiped off with a rag in time.

These are the reasons and solutions for the loss of leaves in green treasure trees. Most of the loss of leaves is related to their lack of nutrition and growth environment, so we should give them enough nutrients to ensure a high-quality growth environment. In this way, leaves will not be lost. Flower friends must take good care of them. Only in this way can we raise beautiful, tall and straight green trees. If you want to talk about more related knowledge, please continue to follow this site!