
Seedling price and planting method of cauliflower

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Seedling price and planting method of cauliflower

Cauliflower, also known as golden needles, brain-strengthening vegetables, forgettable grass, etc., is a perennial perennial herb of the lily family, which is cultivated all over China, in which qu County in Sichuan is known as "the hometown of Yellow Flower in China". While Shaodong County and Qidong County are named as "the origin of cauliflower", let's take a look at the seedling price and planting method of cauliflower.

How many cauliflower seedlings?

The price of cauliflower seedlings is about 0.05-0.10 yuan per plant, but it varies with the quality, specification, origin and market of the seedlings. Cauliflower is resistant to barren and drought, not strict to soil, can be cultivated in geography or hillside, can be intercropped with taller crops in a wide range of light, can be intercropped with taller crops, is not resistant to cold above ground,-10 ℃ low temperature in underground part, and avoids excessive moisture or stagnant water in soil. The commonly used propagation methods in production are ramet propagation, cutting propagation, seed propagation and so on.

Propagation methods of cauliflower

1. Ramet: the split propagation of cauliflower is the most commonly used propagation method, one is to dig out all the mother plant clusters and replant them, and the other is to dig out part of the plants from one side of the mother plant cluster to make seedlings, leaving them to continue to grow, but the roots should be cut down as little as possible when digging and dividing seedlings.

2. Cutting: after the cauliflower is harvested, if the bract is bright green and the growing point under the bract is obvious in the middle and upper parts of the flower, cut it off about 15 cm above and below the growing point, cut it into the soil in a slightly curved shape, and root and sprout after about 1 week.

3. Sowing: cauliflower can get seeds by artificial pollination, using fertile vegetable garden soil as seedbed when sowing, soaking seeds in 25 ℃ warm water for 48 hours, covering soil 2 cm after sowing, usually emergence in one week, gradually lowering the greenhouse temperature to adapt to the external climate after emergence.

Planting method of cauliflower

1. Reasonable close planting: close planting of cauliflower can give full play to population advantages, with wide row 60 cm 75 cm, narrow row 30 cm 45 cm, hole spacing 9 cm 15 cm, 3 plants per hole and 3 000 plants per mu.

2. Appropriate deep planting: the root group of cauliflower grows from around the shortened stem, which has the characteristics of one layer a year, and the root position moves up year by year from bottom to top, so proper deep planting is beneficial to plant survival and prosperity, and the suitable planting depth is 10-15 cm.

3. Cultivating soil with middle tillage: during the growth period, cauliflower should be ploughed for 3 to 4 times according to the growth and soil consolidation, usually the first time when the seedlings were unearthed, and the second to fourth times combined with mid-tillage during the bolting period.

4. Fertilization management: cauliflower requires sufficient winter fertilizer (base fertilizer), early seedling fertilizer, heavy bolting fertilizer and bud fertilizer.

① winter fertilizer: winter fertilizer stopped growing in the upper part of cauliflower field, that is, autumn seedlings withered by frost or planted, mainly organic fertilizer, 2000 kg / mu of high quality farm manure and 50 kg / mu of superphosphate.

② seedling fertilizer: seedling fertilizer can promote the early growth and rapid development of leaves, which should be applied at the beginning of cauliflower sprouting, calcium superphosphate 10 kg / mu and potassium sulfate 2 kg / mu.

③ bolting fertilizer: bolting fertilizer should be applied at the beginning of bolting, when cauliflower needs more fertilizer, topdressing urea 15kg / mu, calcium superphosphate 10kg / mu, potassium sulfate 5kg / mu.

④ bud fertilizer: urea 5 kg / mu should be applied within 7 days after picking, and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.4% urea and 1% superphosphate aqueous solution should be sprayed on leaves every 7 days.

Disease and pest control of cauliflower

1. Rust

[harm] Rust is harmful to leaves and flower stems, the initial infection produces blister spots, then the whole leaves turn yellow, in severe cases, the leaves of the whole plant die, the flower stems become reddish brown, and the buds shrivel or fall off.

[prevention and control] at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times, 75% chlorothalonil 600 times, 50% Dysen zinc 500 times or 40% Daoxianjing 600 times were sprayed every 7 to 10 days for 2 times.

2. Leaf blight

[harm] for the damage to the leaves, the initial infection showed small pale round spots from the tip of the leaves, and then the edge of the leaves gradually expanded downward and became yellowish brown and dry, and black mildew was produced in the diseased part when the humidity was high.

[prevention and control] the equivalent 0.5-0.6% Bordeaux solution or the 800-fold solution of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder is commonly used for foliar spray control. After the occurrence of the disease, it is sprayed once every 10 days, for a total of 2 times.

3. Leaf spot

[harm] in order to harm the leaves and flowers, the leaves are light yellow spots, which are easy to break when dry, and the whole leaves turn yellow and wither when the disease is serious. The susceptible symptoms of flower bolts are similar to those of leaves, the light ones affect the growth of flower bolts and the formation of flower buds, and the heavy ones break and die.

[prevention and treatment] at the initial stage of the disease, 1500 times of 50% Sukeling wettable powder, 40% polysulfide suspension or 36% methyl thiophanate suspension and 50% carbendazim wettable powder were sprayed every 7 to 10 days for 2 times.

4. Anthrax

[harm] for harmful leaves, the leaves turn dark green from the leaf tip, then dark yellow, and expand to the leaf base, the edge of the disease spot is brown, dense small black spots, and in serious cases, the leaves die.

[prevention and treatment] in the early stage of the disease, timely spraying 1 Vera 100 Bordeaux solution, 50% methyl topiramate or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800 × 1000 times, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 × 800 times.

5. White silk disease

[harm] at the base of the leaf sheath near the ground, waterlogged brown disease spots began to occur at the base of the whole plant or outer leaves, then enlarged, slightly sunken, and the affected part showed brown wet rot, and the damaged leaves became yellow and withered due to the obstruction of water and nutrient transport.

[prevention and treatment] at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim 500 × 800 times or 70% topiramate 800 times 1000 times were sprayed once every 7 times 10 days, 2 times in succession.

6. Red spider

[harm] Adults and nymphs cluster to suck plant sap, gray-white spots appear in the injured area, and the leaves die in severe cases.

[control] spray with 1500 times of 15% promethazine wettable powder or 73% of 2000 times of propargite.

7. Aphids

[harm] first harm the leaves, gradually pierce and suck the juice on the flowers and buds, and the buds are thin and easy to fall off after being killed.

[control] spraying 1000-1500 times of Mara sulfur emulsion or dimethoate solution, or spraying fresh chili pepper with water.