
Where can I buy konjac?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Where can I buy konjac?

Konjac is also known as konjac, taro grinding, konjac head, for the Araceae taro grinding perennial herbs, ancient China also known as demon taro, since ancient times there has been "to intestinal sand" said, nutritional value is very high, with blood circulation, detoxification swelling, wide intestine laxative, phlegm soft hard effect, let's take a look at where konjac can buy it!

Where can I buy Konjac?

Konjac is sold in large and medium-sized supermarkets and sold in some farmers 'markets. The price of fresh Konjac is about 1~2 yuan per catty, but the price varies greatly from place to place. In fact, Konjac has been cultivated in China as early as more than two thousand years ago. The production areas are mainly distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, southern Shaanxi and western Hubei. The Konjac resources around Sichuan Basin are the most abundant, while Sichuan Konjac production areas are mainly distributed in Daba Mountain area of eastern Sichuan. The Jinsha River valley in the southwest is the most important white Konjac production area in China.

How much is a kilo of fresh konjac?

The market price of fresh konjac is about 1~2 yuan a catty, but the price varies greatly due to different quality, origin and market. Konjac has very high nutritional value, contains sixteen kinds of amino acids, ten kinds of mineral trace elements and rich food fiber, has special effect on preventing and treating diabetes and hypertension, and because Konjac has low heat, low fat and low sugar, it can be said to be a first-class food for preventing and treating colon cancer, breast cancer and obesity.

Where is the origin of Konjac?

1. Badong Konjac: Badong Konjac is a specialty of Badong County, Enshi Prefecture, Hubei Province. The soil and climate of Badong County are especially suitable for planting Konjac. The Konjac planted is of good quality and large size.

2. Zhuxi Konjac: Zhuxi Konjac is a specialty of Zhuxi County in Shiyan City, Hubei Province. Zhuxi County is the "Hometown of Konjac in China" and belongs to the core area of Konjac Plate Base in Northwest Hubei Province, covering an area of more than 80,000 mu.

3. Daguan Konjac: Daguan Konjac is a specialty of Daguan County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province. The natural environment of Daguan County is suitable for Konjac growth. Konjac has been planted for many years.

4. Zhenxiong Konjac: Zhenxiong Konjac is a specialty of Zhenxiong County in Zhaotong City of Yunnan Province. The climate and soil of Zhenxiong County are suitable for the production and planting of Konjac. Konjac planting has become another characteristic economic pillar industry of the county.

5. Fuquan Konjac: Fuquan Konjac is a specialty of Fuquan City, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province. Konjac has been identified as one of the top ten health foods by the United Nations Health Organization. It is a first-class food that not only satisfies the mouth but also cures diseases and keeps fit.

6. Suijiang Konjac: Suijiang Konjac is a specialty of Suijiang County in Zhaotong City of Yunnan Province. Suijiang County has a long history of planting Konjac, and most cultivated land in Suijiang County is suitable for planting Konjac.