
What if Tiger Orchid doesn't sprout?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, There are many reasons why tigeria does not sprout. If the pot is too small, you need to change to a larger pot, but also appropriate loose soil. If fertilization is not enough, it is necessary to bury base fertilizer in the soil and apply fertilizer regularly. If it is too much watering, you need to change the watering method and wait for the surface of the soil to dry before watering. If there is not enough light, it needs to be exposed to the sun in the morning and evening.

1. Change to a larger basin

(1) specific reason: if the basin of Tiger Pilan is too small, then there will be problems with nutrition supply, and Tiger Pilan may not sprout. In addition, if the soil is not loose for a long time, the same problem may occur.

(2) solution: change to a larger basin. The soil should also be changed if necessary. In addition, the soil should always be loosened, otherwise it is easy to agglomerate.

2. Regular fertilization

(1) specific reasons: insufficient nutrition supply is also an important reason. The nutrition in the soil is sometimes insufficient, and if there is no fertilization for a long time, there will be the problem of not growing new buds.

(2) solution: first of all, base fertilizer. Some rotten organic fertilizer can be used to bury it in the soil. In addition, during the growth period, some fertilizers are needed.

3. Proper watering

(1) specific reason: watering is also one of the important factors. If you water too much, the roots will rot, which may eventually lead to no new buds.

(2) solution: watering should be appropriate. It is best according to the state of the surface soil. Wait for it to dry before watering it.

4. Bask in the sun

(1) specific reason: if Hu Pilan wants to grow new buds, he must have the help of light. If it stays in a dark place for a long time, it may also sprout.

(2) solution: it is best to put it in a ventilated and bright place. Or move it out to bask in the sun sooner or later.