
What if the lily leaves are yellow?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When raising lilies, it may have yellow leaves. If it is caused by watering, it needs to be watered correctly; if it is caused by too much fertilizer, it needs to be appropriately reduced; if it is caused by disease, it needs to be prevented in time; if it is caused by poor soil, it needs to be replaced with loose soil; if it is caused by iron deficiency, iron needs to be supplemented.

First, watering correctly

1. Reason: it likes cooler places and has a high demand for water, but many people can't control the amount in the watering process, either watering more or less, thus making the leaves yellow.

2, solution: choose the right watering method, you can observe the situation of the basin soil, if it is very dry, it can be watered, so that its leaves can restore luster as soon as possible.

II. Appropriate fertilization

1. Reason: too much fertilization is the main reason for the yellowing of its leaves. Because many people always think that it needs a lot of fertilizer during the growing period, it is constantly applied, which affects its growth and even makes its leaves yellow to death. But don't let the fertilizer be too little, or it will turn yellow because of lack of nutrients.

2. Solution: if it is caused by too much fertilizer, it can be diluted by watering or directly replace the soil. If there is too little fertilizer, it should be added, but not too much at a time, and the concentration should not be too high.

III. Prevention and control of diseases

1, reason: in the process of growth, it is most afraid of disease, once accidentally infected, it is easy to appear leaf yellowing phenomenon, if not timely treatment, but also let it die.

2, solution: when it is found that there is a disease, it should be timely prevention and control, so that the leaves will not be hurt.

4. Choose suitable soil

1. Reason: when raising it, if you use low-quality hard clay, it will also make its leaves yellow.

2. The solution: to replace the loose soil in time.

5. Supplement of iron

1. Reason: when it lacks iron, it gives priority to the young leaves, and the damage to the old leaves is very low, so its leaves turn yellow.

2. Solution: we can replenish it with iron in time, so that the yellowing of leaves will gradually improve.