
What if the green apple leaves turn yellow in summer?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, There are many reasons for the yellowing of green apple leaves in summer: if it is caused by a large amount of water, it is necessary to loosen the soil properly and keep it in a ventilated place, while controlling the amount of water. If the light is too strong, shading measures should be taken and it should be maintained in a shady place. If the fertilizer concentration is high, it is necessary to speed up the nutrient consumption by watering and fertilize reasonably.

1. Proper watering

Reason: too much watering will cause stagnant water in the basin soil, the root system will rot in the stagnant water for a long time, and the leaves will turn yellow and lack of luster after the root rot.

Solution: by controlling the amount of water, you can loosen the soil properly and keep it in a well-ventilated place for maintenance. At ordinary times, it is necessary to control the amount of water to avoid unnecessary moisture in the basin soil. You can also spray water on the leaves often to keep them moist.

2. Moderate light

The reason: the summer sun is strong, exposure will lead to yellow leaves, leaves slightly or leaf edge withered and there will be macula, leaves placed in a dark environment for a long time can not carry out photosynthesis will also lead to leaf yellowing.

Solution: to do a good shading measures, move it to the east or north balcony to avoid direct glare. Indoor maintenance can be placed in a place with astigmatism, and the yellowing leaves can be removed.

3. Appropriate amount of fertilizer

Reason: excessive fertilization concentration in summer will lead to green radish leaves yellowing without luster, and even some old leaves will fall off.

Solution: fertilize green pineapple mainly with nitrogen fertilizer, apply 2-3 times a month in the seedling stage to promote growth, and so on, once a month. If excessive fertilization, rinse in time to reduce fertilizer.