
Is it right or wrong to spray orchids in the morning? There are so many fastidious people.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Orchids are easy to raise, especially wild orchids. However, due to limited conditions, it is often difficult for city friends to raise orchids well, so they try every means to imitate the wild environment. But it backfired. What on earth is going on? Raise orchids in summer.

Orchids are easy to raise, especially wild orchids. However, due to limited conditions, it is often difficult for city friends to raise orchids well, so they try every means to imitate the wild environment. But it backfired. What on earth is going on?

There is nothing wrong with raising orchids in summer and friends like to humidify orchids. Orchids like the humid and cool environment, spray humidification does have a certain role. But can you master the timing of the spray? Not all periods of time are suitable for spraying orchids. OK, the farmer will first tell you about wild orchids and see how they grow in a humid environment.

Good farmers often go to the mountains to see wild orchids, and there are often a lot of dewdrops on the leaves of orchids in summer mornings, because of the temperature difference between day and night. The temperature on the mountain drops at night, and the moisture in the air does not condense into dewdrops as expected to stay on the leaves, which can not only humidify the orchids, but also make the temperature of the orchid environment cooler. So this kind of dewdrop is very good for the growth of orchid plants, what about our man-made spray?

We all know that plants grow during the day, and plants produce a lot of nutrients under photosynthesis. Plants at night need a temperature difference because it can stop the plant from consuming. There is no photosynthesis at night, and if the temperature is the same as during the day, the plant will not only fail to produce nutrients, but will also consume the nutrients during the day. Therefore, temperature difference is one of the necessary conditions for plant to store nutrients. From this point of view, the natural dew at night happens to be done, and the orchid leaves lower the temperature and stop consuming nutrients, while wetting the orchid.

Good farmers often say that wild orchids like eastward slopes (of course, there are other directions, more and better than eastward) because photosynthesis can be carried out as soon as the sun rises. The orchid leaves need to breathe during photosynthesis, and the dewdrops on the east-facing orchid leaves will evaporate first, so that the respiration of the orchid leaves will not be affected. If you spray orchid leaves in the morning, it violates this one, affecting the respiration of orchid leaves, which in turn affects photosynthesis.

So, the good farmer thinks that if you want to spray the leaves of orchids, you'd better choose night. There are two main advantages: one is to cool the orchid leaves, forming a temperature difference to store nutrients, and at the same time humidifying the environment; the other is that the fog beads sprayed at night are almost dry in the morning, which will not affect the normal respiration of the orchid leaves the next day for photosynthesis. Let the orchid produce more nutrients.

To put it bluntly, it is to work during the day to make money, and to rest at night for free. If this goes on, the orchid plant will accumulate more and more nutrients, the orchid plant will grow better, and lay a solid foundation for flowering.

Lan friends, do you think what the farmer said is reasonable? Welcome to share your valuable experience.