
Master these four points: the green and fresh leaf tip of the orchid will not wither and turn black.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Hanging orchid is a very popular indoor green plant, fresh and elegant, beautiful and generous, especially hanging in the balcony maintenance, slender leaves drooping down, just like a beautiful landscape. However, it has been maintained for a long time.

Hanging orchid is a very popular indoor green plant, fresh and elegant, beautiful and generous, especially hanging in the balcony maintenance, slender leaves drooping down, just like a beautiful landscape.

However, after a long time of maintenance, it is inevitable that the leaves will turn yellow and the tips of the leaves will wither and turn black, as if they have just been burned over the tips of the leaves.

In fact, the reason for this phenomenon is very simple, and the solution is not difficult, as long as we firmly grasp the following four points to ensure that your hanging orchid is evergreen all the year round, and there will be no blackening of leaf tips.


The hanging orchid is not a plant that loves the sun too much, especially in the hot summer, if the indoor temperature is too high, or the shading work is not in place, it is likely to cause the hanging orchid burning yellow, resulting in its leaf tip withered and yellow.

Therefore, in the process of daily maintenance, especially in summer, we must pay attention to its maintenance in a cool environment, spring and autumn season can be appropriate astigmatism.


The growth rate of Cymbidium is relatively fast, if the basin is not changed for a long time in the process of maintenance, it is easy to cause the root system of Cymbidium to be entrenched in a narrow area, the growth of the root system is not good, and the growth of natural leaves will wither and decline.

Pay attention to changing the basin for the orchid at least every two years, preferably in summer and autumn. In the process of changing the basin, it is best to change the soil as well. When cleaning the root system, it is necessary to cut off the old root and the poorly growing root system to stimulate the new round of growth of the orchid.


As the leaves of Cymbidium are more numerous and luxuriant, so pay attention to maintain the moist degree of its living environment in the process of maintenance, the environment is too dry, it is easy to cause the growth of Cymbidium is not good.

When maintaining on weekdays, we should not only grasp the frequency and amount of watering to keep the soil in the basin moist, but also often wipe its leaves with a wet cloth or spray some clear water around it in the weather with high temperature. maintain the higher wettability of the growing environment of the orchid.


In addition to the above three points, the blackening of the leaf tip of Cymbidium may also be caused by its root rot. after the plant has rotted roots, its roots can not normally absorb nutrients from the soil, and the leaves will naturally grow poorly.

If you can't find out the cause of the blackening of the leaf tip of the orchid, you can carefully remove the orchid from the basin to see if it is the cause of the rotten roots of the plant. After that, carefully clean up the rotten root system and change the orchid to a new soil for cultivation.

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