
The seasonal characteristics and health-keeping methods that should be known for a good autumn and March.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, "Autumn March, this is called Rong Ping. The weather is urgent and the weather is bright. Early to bed and early to rise makes you happy with the chicken. Make peace of mind and reprieve the autumn sentence. Restrain the air and flatten the autumn spirit. With no exception to its ambition, to clear the lungs-this autumn should be the way to nourish the harvest. " -.

"Autumn March, this is called Rong Ping. The weather is urgent and the weather is bright. Early to bed and early to rise makes you happy with the chicken. Make peace of mind and reprieve the autumn sentence. Restrain the air and flatten the autumn spirit. With no exception to its ambition, to clear the lungs-this autumn should be the way to nourish the harvest. "

The Great Theory of regulating the mind by four Qi in the Internal Classic of Huangdi

In order to keep in good health in the autumn, we should firmly grasp the principles of the Internal Classic. Scripture: "Autumn March, this is called Rongping." The weather is urgent and the weather is bright. Early to bed and early to rise makes you happy with the chicken. Make peace of mind and reprieve the autumn sentence. Restrain the air and flatten the autumn spirit. With no exception to its ambition, to clear the lungs-this autumn should be the way to nourish the harvest. "

Explain: autumn March refers to July, August and September of the lunar calendar. In the autumn of March, gold is in season, and people respond to it in the lungs. It is necessary to nourish the lungs because of the lung qi in the autumn month.

Gold gas converges and falls, the main harvest, plants grow in spring and summer, to autumn is the season of mature harvest. At this time, the weather is urgent and the earth is clear and clear. In order to adapt to this season, people should go to bed early and get up early, and get up as soon as the rooster crows, so as to maintain mental stability and tranquillity and ease the harm to the human body caused by killing in autumn. In autumn in March to rein in their own mood, control their feelings, in order to adapt to the characteristics of autumn Rongping. Do not make the mind out, in order to maintain the peace and evenness of the lungs, this is the way to adapt to the characteristics of autumn and maintain the convergence of the human body. If it violates the convergence of the autumn wind, it will hurt the lungs. In winter, Yang Qi should be hidden but cannot be hidden, and diarrhea due to Yang deficiency will occur.

2018 is the year of 1898, the fire is too lucky, the fire is strong, the gold is weak. When autumn gold is in season, fire Wangke gold is easy to see lung heat. Therefore, in the autumn of March 2018, attention should be paid to nourishing the lungs and moisturizing the lungs to slow down the fire; and to purge the lung qi to prevent cough.

Autumn March includes: the Beginning of Autumn, the End of Heat, White Dew, the Autumn Equinox, Cold Dew, Frosts Descent, a total of six solar terms. The following combines the theory of traditional Chinese medicine to explain in detail the seasonal characteristics and health-preserving methods of each solar term in Autumn and March.

The Beginning of Autumn (August 7, 2018)

Peng Ziyi, a great doctor in the Republic of China, believed that the Beginning of Autumn was the starting point of the one-year movement. He thought that when the Beginning of Autumn, the yang between heaven and earth began to converge, and the unearthed heat on the ground began to be pressed into the earth. These yang qi were completely stored below the ground by the Winter Solstice, until the Beginning of Spring began to rise on the ground as the energy source of the Spring Festival life cycle.

Before and after the Beginning of Autumn, when belonging to Taiyin wet toast, people's spleen and stomach are often very weak, therefore, the most need a light diet, do not eat raw cold, greasy and fried barbecue spicy and other hot things, in order to prevent damage to the spleen and yang. In particular, the vegetarian body yang deficiency and damp-heat, and then over-eat moving wind and blood, more sensitive to damp heat, there is inevitably the occurrence of rheumatic heat arthralgia diseases. Such as gout, joint swelling, heat and pain and other diseases, every time the disease occurs, it is necessary to prevent it in time.

In hot summer, Yang Qi spreads, people feel the qi of heaven and earth, and it is easy to appear impetuous, sweaty, fatigue, decreased attention and other symptoms, most of which are normal reactions and do not need treatment. But after the Beginning of Autumn, heaven and earth Yang Qi converge and decline, the above symptoms should be gradually relieved. If Yang Qi is still scattered, it needs to be properly recuperated. Available Wumei three bean soup: 30 grams of soybeans, 30 grams of black beans, 30 grams of mung beans, 40 grams of Wumei, fried in water. White sugar can be added to the soup when cooking, because the white sugar has the effect of tonifying and helping the body to collect and fall in the soil.

The End of Heat (Aug.23,2018)

From the Beginning of Autumn to the End of Heat, the yang between heaven and earth declined, and all things gradually took root. The person began to feel strong slowly and was no longer prone to fatigue and drowsiness. The summer heat gradually converges, and the cool air grows gradually. At this time, the human body begins to feel comfortable, and the skin is slowly no longer sticky and uncomfortable.

The summer heat between heaven and earth converges, touching the coolness of the ground, it is easy to appear foggy. This must be the Beginning of Autumn after Jinqi downward, convergence of the summer fire has returned, dry gold is not equal to the summer fire, falling gas is invincible, fire anti-gold. If you are in a city, the fog will be mixed with all kinds of car exhaust and dust. If people breathe this kind of fog, they are most likely to suffer from diseases such as respiratory tract infection, which is characterized by itching discomfort in the throat. Take Wumei Guben decoction.

White Dew (September 8, 2018)

The Summer Solstice is hot above the ground and cold underground in season. After the Beginning of Autumn, the gold gas converges and falls, and the heat above the ground is gradually pressed below the ground, and the heat above and below the ground is in balance at the autumnal equinox. White Dew season, there is still a little more hot air above the ground, and after touching the ground, the hot gas condenses into water droplets, which is White Dew.

White Dew season, the heat between heaven and earth gradually into the ground. Take the big tree as an example, throughout the summer, the branches and leaves were so prosperous that White Dew began to converge to the roots, the leaves began to turn yellow, and the roots became more and more Yang. Heat descends to cool health, all things get roots, and the yang qi of the human body is further reduced. After autumn, the body yang converges and falls, but the middle soil is still weak, so we should pay attention to prevent cool air from damaging Zhongyang: the temperature difference between day and night increases, so we should pay attention to dressing to keep warm; do not overeat raw cold melons and fruits to prevent Zhongyang injury, leading to diarrhea and abdominal pain; drink some sour plum soup before going to bed to nourish yin and nourish fluid.

From another point of view: in the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the corresponding ground branch is unitary, when the unitary moon is unitary, Yang is hidden and Yin is long. And the unitary nature belongs to gold, and the gold spirit converges. The gold is dry and humid, and the heat and humidity gradually fade. It also corresponds to the twelve news hexagrams as the view of wind and place. Watch the hexagram, four yin and two yang, yin grows and yang disappears. Judging from the image of hexagram, it is popular on the ground. Although gold is beginning to be harvested in White Dew and the Autumn Equinox season, Yang qi is still popular above the ground, and there is an image of hot air floating up. And Mu Kekun soil, Kun soil for the spleen, spleen is easy to hurt for abdominal pain and diarrhea and other diseases.

The Autumn Equinox (September 23, 2018)

In August of golden autumn, Yang Qi begins to harvest. Autumn is divided into equal parts of yin and yang. At this time, the time of the day is as long as the night, and the sun heat on the ground is as much as the sun heat below the ground, which is evenly divided up and down, so it is called the Autumn Equinox. After the Autumn Equinox, the pressure of gold gas converged and decreased, and the yang below the ground was more and more than on the ground, while the weather became cooler and the leaves became yellow.

According to the "main qi" in the theory of 24 solar terms and luck, then the Autumn Equinox to Lesser Snow are the five qi. The change of qi between heaven and earth has changed from Taiyin wet soil to Yangming dry gold. At this time, the climate is dry and cool, and the yang of heaven and earth is further reduced to below the ground, and everything is gradually bleak. At this time to converge and descend mainly, the sky is high and cool, which is in line with the virtue of Yangming, so it is called Yangming. If politeness and politeness are born, they are flat. If they are polite, they are easy to be harmed.

After the Autumn Equinox, the weather became dry. Sentimental dryness, easy to injure Jin fluid, causing dry mouth and tongue, sore throat, chest tightness and cough. Apples, pears, pine nuts, sugarcane and other things that nourish yin, clear fire and moisten the lungs, and lilies, honey, white fungus, mandarin, ginkgo, red dates, sugarcane and other refreshing and moisturizing products can be eaten at the right time. In addition, you can eat some white radish, raw and cooked, the most Runfei Qinghuo pharynx dryness, and is a seasonal food.

The Autumn Equinox season, Yang Qi to converge for smooth, the temperature is comfortable, Yang Qi introverted, people feel the most comfortable, sleep is heavier, mood is also stable. But on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the yang of heaven and earth is attracted by the full moon and rises. Yang float is not convergent, easy to cause insomnia, irritability, instability, dizziness, flatulence and other diseases. Therefore, the time to enjoy the full moon should not be too long to avoid the influence of the moon and disturb the sun in the body. It is most appropriate for families to get together and talk in the quiet room.

Cold Dew (October 8, 2018)

After the Autumn Equinox, the weather gradually became dry and golden. It was cold and clear, and the dew was cold and cold. At this time, it is easiest to use the power of heaven to help the human body return the heat of the floating heat to the kidney water.

As the saying goes, "White Dew's body is not exposed; Cold Dew's feet are not exposed." at this time, "every autumn rain is cool." you need to keep warm as the weather turns cool. But do not add clothes too much, too fast, as the saying goes, "spring cover autumn freeze", moderate cold in autumn can remind the body to begin to converge yang, which is beneficial to the collection of yang in winter.

When Cold Dew is in good health, he should pay attention to the following points: go to bed early and get up early, go on a diet and move less, don't work too hard, don't sweat too much, and his clothes can be slightly thin, so that the body can feel the cold autumn air. Be alone in meditation and instruct Yongquan. In this way, you can slowly mobilize the gold in the body so that the human body can synchronize with heaven and earth at 04:00. Soaking your feet in hot water before going to bed has a great effect on relieving yang. Do not overeat raw cold melons and fruits, Yang Qi at the beginning of harvest, spleen Yang has not returned, the most need to pay attention to, otherwise frequent diarrhea in autumn.

Frosts Descent (October 23, 2018)

Lu Zhaoling in the Tang Dynasty said, "Autumn is also strict with Frosts Descent, and those who are worried are unhappy; in winter, Yin is also accumulated, and those with sad faces are happy." Entering autumn and winter, the weather is getting colder and colder, and ten thousand trees are depressed, which is the most susceptible and sad. Sorrow is lung spirit, sorrow damages lung qi, qi stagnation leads to liver depression, and depression becomes gradually. Every autumn and winter, I treat more and more depressed patients in Austria. It is recommended to be more happy at this time, laugh more, communicate more with friends, and properly eat spicy food, which will help to vent lung qi and ease liver depression.

Now it is Frosts Descent's season, the yang between heaven and earth converges and falls, and we feel colder and colder. Put on more clothes when it is cold, and never complain about why it is so cold. It is necessary to know that it is cold at this time, just for the warmth of the coming year. As the saying goes, "there is no frost in October, no chaff at the head." Frosts Descent has no frost in season, so it is inevitable that heaven and earth will not harvest Yang Qi. If there is no sun in spring, the grain will not grow long, and the harvest will be poor. Isn't it sad that there is no rice to be hammered? By the same token, it is necessary to keep Yang Qi in good health at this time.

From the analysis of gossip: Frosts Descent season is in late autumn and early winter, according to acquired gossip. Dry, the hexagram of the northwest, belongs to the golden sex health. After the Summer Solstice, Tianyang was out, and he wanted to be introverted in the autumn and summer, fighting with the earth yin, which was called dry. The dry position is called the Gate of Heaven. At the end of autumn, the door of Tianyang opens and Yang Qi gradually accumulates in the earth. Yang converges in the earth, it can firmly protect yin essence; yin essence gets yang, then hair has roots, in order to start all things again. Those who are good doctors should pay attention to the convergence of yang and surrender by means of the opening of the gate of heaven.

And Frosts Descent season clear air, Yang Qi convergence, kidney water hidden, people should also, feel energetic, healthy and powerful. If the warm wind suddenly rises from the east at this time, the sun root will be worn out. The wind wood shakes, but the fire does not hide. Many people often see fatigue, lethargy, poor attention, irritability, jealousy, and wood fire. Needling between lines to relieve wind and fire, needling Baihui to calm the mind, piercing Taiyuan to collect gold and calm wood. You can also needle up and down the navel at each inch and a half of each inch and a half of the left and right acupoints to consolidate the foundation and cultivate the yuan, so that the kidney water will be quiet, the wind wood will calm down, and all the diseases will disappear.

In late autumn Frosts Descent, the leaves of mulberry trees fluttered and fell with frost. This leaf is the most woody, and then golden after frosting, so the winter mulberry leaves are cold and cool, and the most purging wood fire. For the treatment of sore throat and itching caused by wood fire floating, if the syndrome differentiation is proper, it can be used for quick effect. (this article is transferred from Dong Hongtao Studio, the author Dong Hongtao, the copyright belongs to the original author)

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