
How to keep the golden bell upside down? The solution to common problems makes the golden bell upside down easy to maintain and beautiful.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Hanging the golden bell upside down in China symbolizes auspiciousness, peace and cleanliness, there are many colors, is a very beautiful potted flowers, this article mainly answers some maintenance upside down golden bell will often encounter questions, the editor here is divided into three.

The inverted Golden Bell symbolizes auspiciousness, peace and cleanliness in China. It has many colors and is a very beautiful potted flower. This article mainly answers some questions often encountered in the maintenance of upside-down Golden Bell. Here, the editor is divided into three categories: cultivation, insect pests and others.

The first cultivation problem

Q: how to water the golden bell upside down? How often is it watered?

Answer: upside down hanging Admiralty watering is divided into seedling stage and adult stage and dormancy stage. Inverted Adult Bell seedlings do not have high requirements for water. Generally, they are watered every two days to keep the basin soil moist. Adults require higher moisture, especially at flowering stage. Generally water once a day, less watering during dormancy or spray to the foliage can be.

Q: how to apply fertilizer to hang the golden bell upside down?

Answer: the fertilization principle of hanging Admiralty upside down is "less application". Thin fertilizer is generally applied every 15 days, and there is no need to apply fertilizer during the dormant period.

Q: how to choose the soil for hanging Admiralty upside down?

Answer: the inverted Admiralty likes the rich, loose, well-drained sandy soil. In fact, many flowers like this kind of soil. Generally, the nutritious soil on the market is used to cultivate the inverted Admiralty.

Q: what is the suitable temperature for hanging the golden bell upside down?

Answer: the growth temperature of the golden clock upside down is 1525 degrees.

Q: how do you reproduce an inverted golden bell?

Answer: upside down hanging Admiralty propagation cuttings are the main.

The second problem of diseases and insect pests

Q: what if the Admiralty is sick?

Answer: hanging Admiralty upside down will mainly get two kinds of diseases, namely, Botrytis cinerea and physiological root rot. If Admiralty is sick, talk about the symptoms in the message area, and the editor will help you prescribe the right medicine.

Q: what should I do if I hang the golden bell upside down?

Answer: there are many kinds of rotten roots, such as excessive watering, physiological root rot, excessive fertilization and so on, but no matter what the cause is, it is necessary to take treatment measures to hang the golden bell upside down in time. The treatment method: clean the root system, reduce the rotten root, put some carbon ash on the wound, replace the basin soil, and use the new nutritive soil. In the later stage, attention should be paid to the amount of watering and fertilization. 80% of the rotten roots are caused by watering and fertilization.

Q: what if the leaves of the golden bell turn yellow?

Answer: inverted Admiralty leaf delivery is generally caused by improper daily maintenance management, there are many reasons for leaf yellowing, according to the causes, corresponding to find a solution. The editor has written an article on the solution to the yellowing of Admiralty leaves. If you need to know more about it, you can check it in previous articles. We should pay more attention to the maintenance skills of hanging Admiralty in peacetime.

Q: what if there are bugs on the golden bell?

Answer: the most common pests of hanging Admiralty are aphids, red spiders and whitefly. If the number is small, you can crush them directly. If the number is very large, use medicine to kill them. Red spiders, aphids can be sprayed with dimethoate solution, sprouting pine and enemy killing solution, and white whitefly can be sprayed with dimethoate solution or dimethoate solution.

The third category of other problems

Q: the setting of the golden bell hanging upside down?

Answer: hang the golden bell upside down in the environment such as the balcony, dining table, desk and coffee table with astigmatism.

Q: what is the language of Golden Bell upside down?

A: believe in love and warm heart!

Q: where is the origin of the inverted Golden Bell?

A: Mexico

Q: when is the florescence of the golden bell hanging upside down?

Answer: the florescence is from April to June.

Conclusion: the above is the FAQ of potted plant hanging Golden Bell summarized by the editor. if there are any questions that the editor has not included, you can perfect and supplement it in the message area for all of us to learn, make progress and grow up together. I would like to thank the flower friends who have left a perfect message.