
On that day, only passion fruit will remember.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The hillside was so shadowy in the distance that the fox could not see clearly. Wrinkle your nose and smell it. It smells strange and good. "Why don't you go?" The little panda came over and squatted beside him. "on the hillside over there. It seems a little strange. " Panda station.


It was so shadowy on the hillside that the fox could not see clearly. Wrinkle your nose and smell it. It smells strange and good.

"Why don't you go?" The little panda came over and squatted beside him.

"on the hillside over there. It seems a little strange. "

The little panda stood up and looked around with his black belly exposed. "it seems nothing. Why don't you go and have a look?"

"I smell something strange, but it smells good." The fox shook his ears. "I don't know if it matters."

"just be careful." The little panda wagged its tail and said, "Let's go."

The fox responded, lowered himself, and listened carefully all the way.

When I got closer, I could see clearly that there might be several houses on the hillside, but now they were dilapidated and out of shape, leaving thin pillars dyed with green.

"or. Let's go around it. " The fox whispered to the little panda, "there seem to be some houses over there."

"the house.?" The little panda blinked and thought, "it should be all right." It's not that. Has' that 'all disappeared? "

"I hear it is." The fox nodded. "but I've never seen it with my own eyes."... If it's still there. "

The little panda sniffed. "Why don't you take a look? Anyway, just be more careful. "

"if it is found out." The fox paused. "I haven't seen it either, but I hear it's very dangerous."

"We are now downwind. Let's get over it slowly." The little panda is eager to try. "how about lying in the grass and running away if there is any danger?"

The fox blinked and remembered the legend he had heard. The bright light and loud noise, the burning heat through the body, and the sharp pain of being peeled off. The fox shuddered.

The fox looked at the little panda, and the little panda was eager to look at him.

". All right. " The fox nodded. "be careful."


The panda nodded excitedly, spread its four short legs and lay down on the grass, shaking its fat ass and crawling over it. The fox followed him, his eyes and nostrils wide open, and his ears all the way to the houses.

There is no sound, only the wind. That strange smell is getting stronger and stronger.

It's getting closer and closer to those houses. The fox looked up carefully and realized that he was wrong. They were just low pillars, cut straight into the ground, with some plants crawling on them, entangled with each other. That strange smell comes from these plants.

The little panda smelled it, too, and his eyes lit up: "Aha, it's delicious!"

"keep your voice down!" The fox whispered, "first go and see what's on the other side of the mountain."

The little panda stuck out his tongue, went around the low post with the fox and climbed slowly to the top of the mountain. The fox looked down the hillside and saw nothing but the grass. The fox wrinkled his nose and pricked up his ears, but there was only the wind.

"it's all right." The fox exhaled, "it should be safe."

The little panda jumped up and ran to the middle of the group of low pillars. "come on!"

The fox followed, sniffing and examining it all the way. A low pillar was planted at a distance on the grass, and the wire used to connect it, but now most of it has been rusted and the rest looks in jeopardy. Green plants crawl on the pillars and on the wire, and each leaf is divided into three petals, like the big footprints of some animal. In some places there are purple balls bigger than the foxes' forefeet, and the aroma comes from these things.


Yes There's something else. The fox looked down and found that the grass under the pillar was different. There are some red things on the ground, like mud, emitting bursts of sweetness and a slightly irritating smell, which makes the fox feel a little dizzy.

"what is this?" The fox muttered.

"this." The little panda smiled. "these on the ground should be strawberries." It's a pity that we're late. The strawberries are ripe and rotten. Strawberries are delicious. "

Hearing the name "strawberry", the fox suddenly thought of a wild goose.

"this pillar." The little panda walked around a post twice, then whizzed up and picked up a purple fruit. "it's a passion fruit."

"passion fruit?" The fox shook his head and drove the image of the wild goose out of his mind. "is this fruit?"

The little panda wrung the fruit from his hand and threw it at the fox's feet. The fox looked carefully and touched it gently with the tip of his nose. "it's hard. Is it not ripe yet? "

"now is the time to mature." The little panda wrung off another fruit and tapped it gently. "if you want to open it, the food inside will be delicious." Sour and sweet, but also quench thirst. "

The fox gave a sound, bit the passion fruit on the ground, raised his head, and bit it open a little hard.

The passion fruit cracked into pieces, and the aroma burst in the fox's mouth. The juice flowed down the fox's throat and the fox swallowed it before he could taste it.


How's it going? " The little panda sat on the top of the pillar, holding some passion fruits. "is it delicious?"

The fox spit out the shell in his mouth and was a little embarrassed: "I haven't had time to taste it yet."... "

"Ha ha ha!" The little panda threw all the passion fruit in his arms and said, "Let me open it for you!"

The little panda slipped down the post, picked up a passion fruit, knocked it on the stone and broke it in half: "here."

The fox looked carefully at half of the fruit handed over by the little panda. It was almost all fruit juice, with some black spots inside. The aroma was so strong that the fox sneezed a little.

"it's black, isn't it a seed?"

"Yes." The little panda has finished drinking the other half of the passion fruit, licking the corners of his mouth with his tongue, "it doesn't matter if you eat it."

"Oh." The fox stuck out his tongue and poked into the passion fruit. The sweet and sour taste immediately filled the fox's tongue; coupled with the strong aroma, it was different from anything the fox had ever eaten.

". It's delicious. " The fox licked the corners of his mouth and looked at the clean fruit shell.

"there are many here." The little panda picked up another one and broke it off and handed it half to the fox. "We can't finish it."

The fox finished his drink in three or two times, sighed happily, and then remembered a question. "these. Passion fruit, I don't think you grew up here, did you? "


The panda shook its head. "of course not. These should all be, uh, that, planted. Just look at these pillars. It's definitely not formed naturally. It's still wrapped in wire. "

"then." The fox began to worry again, "that?"

"Don't worry." The little panda waved his hand proudly. "it can't be recently. Look at those wires. They're all out of shape. It should have been planted before that thing, and then stayed here all the time. Those strawberries should be, too. If 'that' were still there, we wouldn't have let these strawberries fall and go bad. They would have been taken away long ago. "

The fox was relieved and nodded.

"it's always like this." The little panda waved his hand, with passion fruit juice on his hand. "you can often find that the thing you planted in the past can always have a big meal."

"Oh." The fox said, "I have been careful to avoid all the way, only walking in the wild, so I have never met."

"there will be more in the future." The little panda said, "when I came, I passed by and occasionally saw the house." But never found 'that'. "

"maybe it really disappeared." Said the fox.

"I think so, too." The little panda knocked open another passion fruit and ate it with his head buried. "by the way," the little panda's voice was vague. "there are so many passion fruits here, shall we stay for two more days?"

"well." The fox thought, "how long will these fruits last?"

"how long?" The little panda shook his ears. "it should be able to keep it for a long time." What's the matter, you want to bring some to eat on the road? "

"mm-hmm." The fox nodded. "I also want to send some to rabbits and beavers." I happened to write a letter by the way. I haven't written to them for a while. "

"hooray!" The little panda jumped up and climbed up the post flexibly. "how about I pick the fruit and you write the letter?"

"mm-hmm." The fox laughed and looked at the little panda who carefully selected passion fruit. He thought of the rabbit, the beaver and the mole.

To be continued