
Small fish is not good stubble, it is character rather than strength that determines victory.

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, When predicting the outcome of a battle, people are not always winners, according to a new study of fish. Scientists at Exeter University and Texas A & M University have found that when fish compete for food, it is character that determines.

When predicting the outcome of a battle, people are not always winners, according to a new study of fish. Scientists at Exeter University and Texas A & M University have found that when fish compete for food, it is personality that determines whether they win, not body size. These findings suggest that personality traits such as aggressiveness are more important than strength when resources are scarce, especially when it comes to survival.

The study, published in the journal Behavioral Ecology and Biological Sociology, shows that if small fish are aggressive, they can do better than big fish in food competition. Regardless of their initial size, fish with consistent aggressive behavior or personality tendencies can continue to get food and lead to weight gain.

Alastair Wilson, PhD in bioscience at the University of Exeter, said: "We want to know if we witnessed Napoleon or small syndrome. Of course, our research shows that small fish with aggressive personalities can beat larger but more passive peers when it comes to fighting for food. Studies have confirmed that personality has a more profound impact on life and survival.

The researchers put two swordtail fish in the same tank, added food and photographed their behavior. They conducted such feeding competitions on both males and females and found that although males often attacked their opponents for food, females were less aggressive and rarely attacked.

I can't help but sigh when I see it. Isn't it the same with human beings? Regardless of their own conditions, strong people are always more likely to succeed and achieve what they want than cowardly people. The so-called character determines victory.