
After the sweet potato sprouts, don't bury it in the pot soil for two days and give it to the second water for a month to become a potted plant.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Life is full of fun and wisdom. For example, people who like to grow flowers all know that the water after panning rice can be used to water the flowers. Vegetable washing water is also fine. And some fruit peels are fermented into enzymes, which can also be used to grow flowers. I really envy it.

Life is full of fun and wisdom. For example, people who like to grow flowers all know that the water after panning rice can be used to water the flowers. Vegetable washing water is also fine. And some fruit peels are fermented into enzymes, which can also be used to grow flowers. Really envy those who live with heart, they can always learn and use it to make the family better.

The family sometimes buys sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc., which will "sprout" after a long time. Sprouted vegetables are generally inedible and can only be thrown away. For people who grow flowers, this is a good baby to turn into a potted plant. Special sweet potato, once sprouted, buried in the pot soil, does not need too long, one or two months to develop a potted plant.

Take a look at the sweet potato pot below. Is it good?

There are also some flower friends, specially bought sweet potatoes, waiting for it to sprout, and then potted. To develop foliage plants is also very beautiful. Potted sweet potato is actually quite simple, can be hydroponic culture or soil culture. Usually, you don't have to fertilize it, just don't be short of water. In addition, it is best to put potted sweet potatoes in a cool and ventilated place. This will help to take root.

Sweet potatoes can be potted after sprouting, and so can potatoes. Potatoes are poisonous when they sprout, so don't eat them. It's a pity to throw it away, so I have no choice but to bring a potted plant. Take a look at the potatoes raised by flower friends below. it is said that they are much better-looking than rich bamboos and rich trees. And have a great sense of achievement! Turning waste into treasures, I most admire these thoughtful flower friends.

In addition to the above two kinds of vegetables can be germinated pot, there are some can be raised, such as germinated ginger, germinated garlic and germinated carrots and so on. Whether it is growing flowers or these vegetables, as long as you pay more attention to them, they will grow well and repay you! Life is always kind to those who put their heart into it.

This is the end of the article, thank you for reading! May everyone live with their heart!

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