
Eating ginger without peeling does harm to yourself. 5 teach you to eat ginger correctly to replenish your body

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Many people have doubts about whether eating ginger should be peeled and what they should pay attention to. Today, let's answer questions about the three benefits of eating ginger. 1. Removing dampness ginger can speed up blood circulation, expand pores, facilitate perspiration and dispel dampness.

Many people have doubts about whether eating ginger should be peeled and what they should pay attention to. Today, I will help you answer your questions.

Three benefits of eating ginger

1. Dispel dampness

Ginger can accelerate blood circulation, expand pores, facilitate perspiration, and has a good effect on dispelling dampness.

For people who stay in their room without sweating in winter, eat more ginger, which can help distribute it.

Heat in the body

To keep the internal and external heat in balance

2. Increase appetite

Ginger contains some volatile oil and gingerol, which can promote the secretion of intestinal digestive juice, promote intestinal peristalsis, and thus increase appetite!

3. Abdominal pain relieving diarrhea

The detoxification effect of ginger is very obvious, especially the detoxification of fish and crab, it can help the fragile intestinal tract to drive away bacteria and prevent the occurrence of vomiting and diarrhea.

Seeing that ginger has so many practical benefits, do you want to promote it from a supporting role to the protagonist and have a taste of ginger?

But there is a problem that has not been solved, that is, do you want to peel ginger?

Do you want to peel the ginger?

In fact, ginger peel is by no means dispensable. It itself is a traditional Chinese medicine. Whether to eat without skin or with skin should be decided according to the specific situation.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, ginger has the effect of sweating and relieving surface, relieving vomiting and detoxification, while the skin of ginger is pungent and cool, so it has the effect of diuresis and detumescence.

"if you leave the ginger skin, it will be cold, but if you remove the ginger skin, it will be hot."

That's what I'm saying.


The skin and flesh of plants are a pair of yin and yang.

If you understand this principle, you will naturally know when to eat with skin and when you should take it with you.

Peeling of ginger

For those with deficiency of spleen and stomach, ginger had better be peeled.

Eating bitter gourd, celery, crab and other cold food, it is best to peel and eat ginger, which can balance the cold nature of the crab.

When suffering from a cold, drinking ginger brown sugar water can be relieved, and it is best to peel the ginger at this time.

Use ginger to prevent and cure vomiting and stomachache caused by deficiency of spleen and stomach, ginger peel should be removed.

The situation that ginger is not peeled

Generally speaking, ginger for cooking should be eaten with skin, because this can not only maintain the balance of ginger medicine, but also

It can prevent getting angry.

When edema, eat ginger without peeling, because ginger skin is beneficial to water.

If you have constipation, bad breath, etc., it is best to use ginger peel alone.

Understand when ginger peel should go and when not, then there is another question: what is the point of eating ginger in summer?

Eat ginger 5 fastidiously

Ginger is the best to eat at noon in the morning

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that there should be more activities when yang is exuberant during the day, warm and tonic drugs can help Yang to produce hair, and can ingest appropriate positive (warm) food, such as ginger.

When Yin Qi is exuberant gradually in the evening, Yang Qi will converge. At this time, if you ingest too much warm food or tonic, it will affect sleep, affect the body's anabolism, and be harmful to the body.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is good to eat ginger during the day, but not at night.

2. Eating ginger is not the more the better

People are prone to hot symptoms such as dry mouth, thirst, sore throat, sweating and so on. Ginger pungent and warm is a hot food, according to the principle of "hot and cold", it is not suitable to eat more.

3. People with yin deficiency and strong fire should not eat ginger for a long time.

All patients with exuberant fire due to yin deficiency, or suffering from pneumonia, lung abscess, tuberculosis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, diabetes, hemorrhoids, and boils and prickly heat in summer are not suitable for long-term consumption of ginger.

4. Ginger is not suitable for summer fever and wind-fever colds

From the point of view of treatment, ginger brown sugar water is only suitable for cold and fever after cold or rain, but not for summer fever or wind-fever cold, let alone for heatstroke.

Taking fresh ginger juice can deal with vomiting caused by cold, while other types of vomiting should not be used.

5. Never eat rotten ginger

Rotting ginger produces safrole, a highly toxic organic substance, which can degenerate liver cells and cause cancer.

Therefore, some people think that rotten ginger can be eaten, "rotten ginger does not taste bad", in fact, it is wrong.

Ginger is recommended to eat well.

1. Ginger tea

Ginger tea is fried with a little tea and a few peeled slices of ginger and taken after meals. It can sweating and relieving the surface, warming the lungs and relieving cough, and has a wonderful effect on influenza, typhoid, cough and so on.

Ginger tea, in fact, is also a favorite drink for foreigners. Their approach is quite different from ours, as long as you put a piece of fresh ginger when making tea, then simmer with sugar for more than 10 minutes, and it will be done.

2. Ginger + avocado

Ginger can be juiced with many fruits and vegetables. Ginger and avocado are ingredients that contain anti-aging ingredients, which can be matched according to the proportion of taste you like.

3. Ginger + brown sugar

Ginger sugar is generally made of ginger and brown sugar, sweet and spicy. It has the effect of removing dampness and cold, and is very suitable for consumption in humid climate.

4. Ginger juice + Chinese wolfberry

Chinese wolfberry soaking ginger can not only improve eyesight, but also help to improve the fine lines of the eyes. In addition, Chinese wolfberry soaking ginger can also improve liver function.

5. Ginger + pastry

Ginger cake has been paid tribute as a tribute, the Empress Dowager Cixi tasted it as jade cake, said, "there is oil not greasy, sugar does not hurt, as clean as fat jade, soft as autumn clouds." Can be ready to eat or fried, dry steaming, with boiling water mixing can also be eaten.

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