
Feelings on the maintenance of succulent plants

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, A misunderstanding of the maintenance of succulent plants often hear some people say that succulent plants can not be watered more, watering can only be a little less. People who hold this view immediately move pots when it rains, thinking that they must not be caught in the rain. ...


Picture and text: a thought

The misunderstanding of the maintenance of succulent plants often hear some people say that succulent plants can not be watered more, but only a little less. People who hold this view immediately move pots when it rains, thinking that they must not be caught in the rain. I am afraid the fundamental reason for this idea is that the basin soil is solid and there is the possibility of water seepage.

The key to conservation: if you follow this line of thinking, you can only come to the conclusion that the key to the conservation of succulent plants lies in water, which is wrong. In fact, the key to the conservation of succulent plants lies not in water, but in soil. No matter what material is used, it should be based on the standard of water permeability and air permeability. For example, if 6 parts of garden soil and 4 parts of medium-coarse yellow sand are evenly mixed, it would be better to add a little base fertilizer. If you plant succulent plants in pots like this, it's okay to water too much, and it's not a problem to be caught in the rain, even on rainy days.

By the way, I would like to remind you: 1. Do not press the soil with both hands when potting. two。 The succulent plants that have just come into the pot are watered with a spray can, or on your hands to let the water flow slowly through your fingers, such as light rain in the near future. In this way, the basin soil can ensure good water and air permeability. 3. For a long time, water and air permeability is poor, must loosen the soil, it is best to turn the basin. 4. If planted in a porcelain basin, you can put a layer of broken bricks at the bottom of the basin to enhance water permeability.

Maintenance details: take water as an example. The general rule of watering is not dry, but it must be thoroughly watered. For succulent plants, the so-called "dry" means to wait for the basin soil to dry inside and outside before watering, and to water enough. However, it is not enough to know these, but also pay attention to the following details: 1. How much water. During the growing period, it should be watered more, and it should be drenched on rainy days; less water should be watered in summer dormant period, and less than 0 ℃ in winter dormant period. two。 How to water it. During the growing period and when the temperature is high, it is better to pour it in the first place. When the temperature is low during the growing period, it is poured on the basin soil. If you water it at about 0 ℃, you must not pour it on the plant. 3. It should be watered early in the morning at about 35 ℃ in hot summer, not at night, let alone in the scorching sun. 4. For the species with high humidity requirements, spray fog several times a day to increase air humidity and moisturize stems and leaves.

Conservation space: the best conservation space during the growing period of succulent plants should be nature, and the more open the better. The roof has plenty of light, good ventilation, rain, more autumn dew, fewer diseases and insect pests, so succulent plants grow very well. Of course, the maintenance space should have relevant supporting facilities, such as black net. There is a black net to shade the sun in summer, and succulent plants can shorten the summer dormancy period. In addition, closed balconies and plastic greenhouses are more suitable for winter maintenance, which can shorten the winter dormancy period. A shorter dormant period means that flowers grow faster and take shape early.

Special conservation: potted succulent plants, many people can not pass "summer" and "overwintering" these two hurdles. Maintenance during summer and winter breaks can be called special maintenance. Its content is multifaceted, in order to move in and out of succulent plants. 1. Always pay attention to the weather forecast (temperature and frost). If you can delay moving in in winter, it will be postponed. two。 Spring move out generally before and after the Qingming Festival (vary from place to place), should not be premature. 3. Once most succulent plants move in, they grow in the greenhouse all winter. Don't open the window casually, let alone move out to bask in the sun because it is warm one day. 4. The habits of a few succulent plants are suitable for moving in and out. Such as fairy grapes, as long as there is sunshine, you can move out during the day and move in at night, making its agate red more transparent.

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