
In the scorching sun, the succulent people's elegant demeanor is still the same.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Preface follow Encyclopedia meet beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begin: thank the author [zhang wen] for original contribution sharing contribution date: July 29th 2018 Editor: encyclopedia coordinates: Liaoning Dalian pass.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thank the author [zhang wen] for his original contribution and sharing.

Submission date: July 29, 2018

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Dalian, Liaoning

I have been following the encyclopedia of succulent plants for a long time. I remember that it was in the spring of 15 years. I just fell in love with succulent plants. I found seven or eight places that released meat information on Wechat and paid more attention to them. no, no, no. no, no, no. Encyclopedia sharing is growing up with me and my flesh, so I especially like to share my pictures here with you!

I keep my meat in two places, one on the balcony of my home and the other on the terrace of the undecorated house. The meat on the terrace, I do not shade the sun, do not shelter from the rain. Dalian is particularly hot this summer. I am also happy to see that the meat is in good condition. I will not paste the name, as soon as I ask the name, I am as sweaty as in the dog days. These photos were taken in the last two weeks. The next time I submit some pictures from the Spring and Autumn period, it will be called a beauty.

Go to the balcony first.

Send some flowers of paper windmill. I love paper windmill very much.

I don't know what kind of long-growing grass this kind of grass is. The degraded leaves are very hard and stick to the branches.

Purple cashmere decoration

Red cover wheel affixing

Red cover wheel


Balcony, because the house is not decorated, watering is not fixed, basically look at the sky to eat, in Dalian meat should be very easy to raise, first take a look at the purple cashmere master's changes in the past year

It was taken on July 16th.

It was taken on July 23.

Finally, there are two wisteria towers that have been planted for ten years. Thank you for your appreciation.

This article has been exclusively authorized by the author Wechat official account: succulent Plant Encyclopedia (ID:duoroubaike), the content of the article does not represent the official account's point of view and position! Encyclopedia has signed a contract with a third-party Internet copyright protection company to open a network-wide protection of rights, unauthorized reprinting of other platforms is strictly prohibited! If the theft is found, the tort will be held responsible! Netizens are welcome to report!

Appreciation statement

This article is pure sharing, the author did not open appreciation, do not forget to read the bottom right corner of the small likes to encourage the author oh!


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