
These four kinds of flowers do not live at home, but lose the green belt and grow.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Every time I see the green flowers on the side of the road, they are almost jealous! You say why the flowers raised at home are taken good care of every day, either wilting or not blooming, but the flowers in the green belt are almost unattended and bloom more and more.

Every time I see the green flowers on the side of the road, they are almost jealous! Why do you say that the flowers raised at home are taken good care of every day, either wilting or not blooming, but the flowers in the green belt are almost unattended and bloom more and more? It really pierced the heart of the florist!

The blue snowflakes in the green belt are blooming!

Photo by: Wuming

Of course, summer is the season of blue snowflakes! But there are many blue snowflakes at home, but they always do not blossom, and the branches grow in vain. Why not take a look at the blue snowflakes in other people's green belts, are they even more beautiful than yours?

Have you been shocked? So how should the blue snow at home be raised in order to blossom so much?

1. Bask in the sun and water more

Blue snowflakes are flooded and sunny, usually placed on the south balcony or south windowsill where the light is good, and it is best to put them outdoors if possible; at the same time, you must pay attention to watering more, about once a day, or twice a day.

2. Spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution

If you want blue snowflakes to bloom more, you can spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution towards the leaves before flowering, or directly irrigate the roots, so as to promote blue snowflakes to differentiate more flower buds and produce more flowers!

Hydrangea with green belt, flowers over the ball!

Huahua saw a news before that someone picked a hydrangea flower while walking and played with it. As a result, his body itched, red and swollen, causing skin allergy! So we must pay attention, do not let hydrangea juice on the skin!

Didn't you think of that? The hydrangea flowers with green belt are much more beautiful than those in our family, and the flowers are also bigger! Keep the secret book and learn it quickly!

1. Semi-overcast maintenance is the best.

The summer weather is too hot, hydrangea direct shooting is easy to cause leaf burns, it is best to put in a good place to maintain scattered light, if raised outdoors, can be directly placed in the shade of trees, so that Hydrangea can produce beautiful flowers!

2. Watering more

Hydrangea likes water, coupled with the hot summer weather, so be sure to remember to water hydrangea, about once a day is enough, sooner or later can also spray water towards the leaves, so as to ensure enough air humidity.

Triangular plum with green belt, climb the wall every minute!

Triangular plum can be regarded as an online celebrity plant in the past two years! In particular, Huahua has been introduced before, those who easily climb several stories high triangular plum, but also let a lot of flower friends to visit! However, in the south, triangular plum is a common flower in the green belt!

(photo author: r Shengzi)

(photo author: r Shengzi)

Seeing these beautiful triangular plums, do you envy them very much? Why is the triangular plum of other people's green belt so beautiful, while the triangular plum of your family does not blossom at all?

1. Adequate sunshine + pruning

If you want triangular plum to blossom more, you must pay attention to basking in the sun, and keep at least 6 hours of light every day on the south balcony or south balcony. Cut off the long branches in time during the growing period, and remember to trim the residual flowers as soon as possible after flowering, so that triangular plums can blossom with sufficient nutrients.

2. Water control

If you want triangular plum to blossom as soon as possible, you must pay attention to water control. Water control generally takes about 20 days, first do not water, let triangular plum leaves droop, and then give half of the water, let triangular plum ensure that half a day leaves droop, half a day leaves do not droop state, after 3 weeks of water control, watering once permeable, and then add some fertilizer, basically can blossom!

(photo author: Hua Mu Man)

Petunia with green belt, bang, bang, bang!

Many flower friends have said that triangular plums and blue snowflakes can be regarded as southern flowers, but are there no flowers in the northern green belt? Of course there is! That is the petunia that everyone often sees!

Do you have any feeling that why the petunia in the green belt is basically in a state of explosion, but the petunia raised at home has only opened a few, and even the whole plant is very ugly? What went wrong?

1. Bask in the sun more before you burst the basin

If you want the petunia to explode as soon as possible, you must make sure you get enough sun. If you can guarantee more than 8 hours a day, it couldn't be better!

2. Watering with a little rice washing water

If you want to make the petunia burst the basin as soon as possible, when watering, you can mix some rotten rice water in the water to replenish the petunia with some nutrients, so that it can soon burst into a big flower ball!

Except for those introduced by Huahua.

Have you seen any other flowers in the green belt?

Better than the one raised at home?

Why don't you leave a message for Huahua?
