
What should I pay attention to if I want to grow a flower wall on the balcony on the tenth floor?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, If you are on the tenth floor, you should first pay attention to safety. You really have to make flower walls. The hanging plants can easily block the downstairs windows. If the whole building is yours, it is a different matter. There are many flowers and plants suitable for flower walls, and the common ones are roses.

If you are on the tenth floor, you should first pay attention to safety. You really have to make flower walls. The hanging plants can easily block the downstairs windows. If the whole building is yours, it is a different matter. There are many flowers and plants suitable for flower walls, including roses, bauhinia, triangular plums, morning glory and so on. In fact, rattan rose should be a good choice.

If rose, it takes at least a year to form a flower wall, and we have to buy big seedlings, which can be seen in the following year in spring, and small seedlings for at least three years. Or if you have something in the nursery, you can buy the finished product directly. There is no problem for each seedling to cover 1-2 meters, the longer the time, the larger the coverage area, the rose has not been raised, it is estimated to be faster. It is best to ask someone who understands to help, otherwise it will take a long time to grope for yourself.

If you want to plant a flower wall, is it better to have a rose or a rattan rose? Roses are wild in nature and are relatively easy to manage, with small and numerous flowers. Rose belongs to the species of human training, with large flowers and relatively few flowers. Therefore, you should choose according to your personal preferences and conditions. Rose, insert a tree every 30 centimeters, plant as early as a wall, 50 centimeters can also become a wall, but it will take two years. The four-corner pillars should be stronger to prevent them from being blown down by the strong wind behind the wall. The key to planting roses is pruning. Generally, the trunk stays no more than 1.5 meters, and each branch leaves three buds. Spend more or less time according to your personal preferences, the same kind of flower, if you want to make the flower large, you have to sparse the flower, if you want to spend more, not pruning, the flower will be relatively smaller. It has something to do with your fertilization, pruning and variety.

Each kind of flower has its own preference, some like the sun, but also like shade, so we have to choose the right species according to the environment, in addition, the quality of plants is also very important. For plant wallflower wall maintenance is also very important, to pay attention to pruning dead flowers and residual flowers, so that plant nutrients can be provided to the new flowers, in order to ensure flowering and ornamental effect.

There is also a kind called firecracker flower, which can also be used to make flower walls. Firecrackers like the soil moist, so it is advisable to keep the basin soil moist during the growing season. In the dry season and hot summer, it is also necessary to spray water on the branches and leaves 2 or 3 times a day and sprinkle water on the ground around the flowerpot to improve the air humidity. Autumn enters the flower bud differentiation period, watering should be less, in order to keep the potted soil slightly moist. Thin pancake fertilizer and water is applied about every half a month during the peak growing season. After autumn, phosphate fertilizer should be the main fertilizer, and compound fertilizer can also be applied.

Finally, let's talk about what kind of flowers should be planted on the balcony of tall buildings. High-rise balconies are mostly located on the sunny side, with long sunshine, strong wind, dry air and other characteristics, we should try to choose varieties that like to be sun-resistant and early-resistant. Succulent plants, cactus flowers, rose and so on should be given priority. Especially for white, yellow or very fragrant varieties, such as purple fog, moonlight, snow sea incense, etc., you can also choose potted pine, potted bamboo, Rongli, begonia, etc., and evening jade, daffodils, inverted golden bells, carnations, cyclamen, etc.

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