
Beginners to grow flowers to choose these four kinds of random trouble will not die, and it is easy to raise and burst the pot.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The day in August is still so hot, many flower friends' flowers have died many times, not to mention beginners, in this hot summer is simply to raise a dead pot, summer novice flowers to choose? I would like to recommend some very suitable for you.

The day in August is still so hot, many flower friends' flowers have died many times, not to mention beginners, in this hot summer is simply to raise a dead pot, summer novice flowers to choose? In order to recommend some flowers that are very suitable for novice maintenance, it's okay to toss about casually.

1. Yushu

Yushu can basically be stocked, and the water storage capacity of its leaves and roots is quite strong. If it is maintained outdoors, it can survive purely on the sky, which is very suitable for those who often forget to water the flowers.

Main points of maintenance: putting sufficient light, watering dry and thoroughly, controlling water in winter, topdressing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once a month will help Yushu blossom.

2. Tiger thorn plum

The flowering period of Prunus mume is relatively long, drought-tolerant, does not pick soil, and is very easy to feed, but because of thorns, it is not suitable for family maintenance with small potted friends.

Key points of maintenance: watering must be dry and thoroughly watered, fertilized once a month, it can make the plum blossom more colorful, like the light, the more sufficient the light, the more gorgeous the flowering, when the temperature is lower than 10 degrees, remember indoor maintenance.

3. Desert rose

Desert roses can be used as bonsai conservation, can open from April to December, very drought-resistant.

Key points of maintenance: like light, be sure to keep it in a place with sufficient light, dry and pour thoroughly. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once a month can promote more flowering, and the maintenance environment must be well ventilated.

4. Copper grass

A kind of foliage plant which is very suitable for summer, the leaves are round and attractive, as long as the soil is moist and the light is sufficient, it is very easy to burst the basin.

Key points of conservation: Tongqian grass likes water, the soil should keep the basin soil moist, and the water should keep the water quality clean. It must be maintained in a place with sufficient light, so that the leaves will be big and round, and it is very easy to grow when the light is insufficient.

Under normal circumstances, we all recommend to choose water to raise copper grass, so as not to forget to water and dry to death.

Flower friends, have you ever raised the above four kinds of lazybones flowers? Welcome to leave a message and share the lazy plants you have raised, so that more of us can grow good flowers!