
Auntie, don't try to get back together with your daughter. Let her live with her new husband.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, (from readers, pictures of this article are from the Internet) Auntie, don't try to get back together with your daughter. Let her live with her new husband. If there is no comparison, there will be no gap and no harm. Whether it's a person or a thing, you have to find it.

(From readers 'contributions, pictures in this article come from the Internet)

Auntie, don't think about getting back together with your daughter. Let her live with her new husband.

Without comparison, there would be no gap and no damage. No matter who or what, you have to find a reference, I finally understand now. It's just that before I didn't understand this principle, I paid a considerable price for it. My entire person was seriously injured and my vitality was greatly damaged. Even now, I still have lingering fears and haven't fully recovered.

Everyone's native family is different. When we are minors, we have no way to choose our own family, nor the ability to change our birth and family background. This is also a helpless thing. I used to love my ex-wife very much. I know that her family is good and her character is spoiled. There is a great disparity between our two families in terms of economy and material resources. Although she felt I cared for her then, she didn't care about these things (she was one of those women who didn't understand the importance of money because she never lacked it, not one who could bear poverty, which I hadn't noticed before). I thought I didn't deserve her, but I was willing to work hard for her and give her the best life, and we got married like this.

The reason why her family agreed was not because of my personality, but because they had no way to compromise with this spoiled daughter. Therefore, even if I exhausted my savings after marriage and my parents gave me all their pension books to buy a new house, it still did not meet my mother-in-law's requirements. But at that time, she also knew that this was the best I could offer. Even if she was dissatisfied, it was her daughter's willingness, so she had no choice. In order to prove that I wasn't interested in her family's money, I didn't let my in-laws get a dowry at that time. However, every time I came to see my ex-wife, my mother-in-law would still say that I was useless and made her daughter suffer.

I worked hard after marriage to prove my strength and to give my ex-wife a better life. But when I worked hard, she changed her heart because I couldn't accompany her as I always did before marriage, and liked other men who were attentive to her. I advised her to turn back, but she felt that I didn't care and care about her before marriage. She also said that I didn't care about her, so she would find someone else willing to care about her. Hearing her so cold-blooded words, my heart died and finally let go. Anyway, Yue's parents didn't like me in the first place. When they saw her daughter divorce me and remarry with a man who looked better than me, they didn't feel anything wrong. Just like that, I haven't had any contact with my ex-wife's family for more than a year.

Now I put all my energy into my career, my business is doing quite well, and I have exchanged my efforts for a new life. But a few days ago, my mother-in-law who hadn't contacted me for a long time suddenly came to me and said that her new son-in-law was a man without a sense of responsibility. She only knew how to coax my ex-wife into asking them for money. She said she hoped I could find my ex-wife to compound and let her leave the liar who ate soft words. I just think it's funny that an ex-wife and her mother are technically the same person. They can only find reasons for all their actions from their own point of view, never thinking about what harm others will suffer because of it.

All I want to do now is start my new life. It's not easy to get out of the pain. I don't want to get into trouble again. So I said to her: "Auntie, I will not compound with your daughter, you let her and her new husband go on." People say, isn't she funny?