
There are only 10 people in this profession in Taiwan! The tree climber is considerate to serve the tree, climbing the tree is like a pilgrimage, dancing with the tree

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, There are only 10 people in this profession in Taiwan! The tree climber is considerate to serve the tree, climbing the tree is like a pilgrimage, dancing with the tree

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The "tree climber" nimbly climbs up the tree, enters the dense bushes, cuts off sick and dry branches, gets close to the tree body for a "health check", makes up the depth of the canopy that is inaccessible to the crane machine, and replaces the unified action of the working machine with a friendly tree way, so that the tree will not be rudely beheaded and sawed. In addition to serving trees, "tree climbing" is also a leisure and entertainment suitable for all people to participate. Weng Hengbin, who obtained the license of Taiwan's first tree climber in 2015, said that tree climbing is not to conquer trees, nor to condescend to them. but in the process of climbing to enjoy close interaction with nature, to feel the vitality of trees, and to enjoy the rich ecosystems in the canopy.

"it's more like a pilgrimage, calm and without fear. It (the tree) has been here for a long time, it is willing to let you go up, you can go up, we must respect it. "

Tree climbing can relieve stress and enjoy the beautiful scenery (Photo Source / Weng Hengbin)

Arouse the public's attention to trees through the motivation of climbing trees.

"I hope the students will start to look at the trees when they get back." Weng Hengbin points out that people always rush past their homes, parks, and roadside trees without stopping to watch, and the connection with the trees is very weak. But after climbing the trees themselves, they may begin to pay attention to the trees around them, thinking, "can this tree climb?" With such a motivation, they are willing to pay attention to its health, and when the public begins to pay attention to it, the problem of tree pruning will have a chance to improve.

On the other hand, when people have first-hand experience of climbing trees, they can deeply understand the strength of trees and realize the seriousness of man-made damage. "A tree can withstand 20 people climbing without tipping, but it will be damaged by improper pruning." I hope that to carry out environmental education through tree climbing courses, we do not necessarily have to climb to the commanding heights, but to experience being close to nature, to understand how to get along well with trees, and then to see the sad songs of trees in the middle of the city being decapitated, so as to arouse the public's awareness of ecological conservation.

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