
How to increase the Milk yield of Dairy cows

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How to increase the Milk yield of Dairy cows

Now many farms have raised cows, and people have always paid attention to improving the milk yield and quality of dairy cows, so when finding this problem, ah, they came up with a lot of ways to increase milk production, but none of them solved the most fundamental problem. so let's learn how to improve the milk yield of dairy cows.

Factors affecting milk yield

There are many factors affecting milk yield of dairy cows, but the most common factors are three breed factors, feeding factors and management factors. No matter how you raise a cow with a bad breed, no matter how you think of it, its milk yield is doomed to be low, and for some good breeds of dairy cows, we have to raise them well to ensure the nutrients they need and the correctness of the way of rearing. Finally, it is to ensure the cleanliness of the living environment and prevent diseases.

The method of increasing milk yield

Feeding method: first of all, we should choose the feed suitable for dairy cows. The most fundamental reason for the effect on milk yield of dairy cows is the content of crude fiber. Crude fiber affects milk fat and milk fat is the key to milk production. If milk fat is increased, then the milk yield will be higher. So special attention should be paid to the selection of feed. Secondly, feeding sweet sorghum stalks can also increase milk yield. At the same time, you can also add a little baking soda to the feed. It can serve as an appetizer and promote crude fiber digestion. Finally, if you want to increase milk production, you can make up time at night and give cows a midnight snack.

Management method: the dry milk period of dairy cows is a period that needs more nutrition, during which we should not only ensure adequate nutrition but also give breast massage in the market, which can effectively improve milk fat and thus increase milk production. In daily management, it is necessary to do a good job in environmental hygiene and pay attention to the hygiene of cows and diet, especially breast hygiene. Prevent breast inflammation and other problems. In winter, we should also pay attention to the temperature problem, using artificial means to provide cows with a comfortable environment, while drinking water in winter with warm water is better, which is conducive to improve milk production. Finally, we should also graze the cow properly so that it has enough exercise, which can enhance the physique of the cow and enhance its cold resistance.

The correct method of milking

The reason why the milk yield of many cows is not high also lies in the wrong milking method. When milking, it is necessary to massage the breast first, and then move it up and down, which can enhance the ejection of the milk and increase the milk fat and milk yield. When milking each time, we should pay attention to milking the milk in the breast as clean as possible. Mastering the milking speed is also conducive to improving milk production and improving milk fat.

Dear aquaculture friends, these are several ways to improve milk production brought by the pro-farming network today. if you have other better ways to increase milk production, you can also recommend them to the editor, oh, and then what is the problem of breeding? you can pay attention to the pro-farm network for more and more helpful information.