
What about the poor appetite of beef cattle?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What about the poor appetite of beef cattle?

The market price of beef has been stable in recent years, and more and more people raise cattle, but many farmers often encounter poor appetite or lack of food when raising cattle, resulting in more and more thin cattle, hindering the growth of cattle and affecting economic benefits. What about the poor appetite of beef cattle? Let's take a look at the pro-farm network.

1. Deworming

For beef cattle with poor appetite and wasting away, the first reaction should be deworming. Beef cattle parasites are mainly internal and external parasites, while poor appetite is mostly caused by internal parasites, such as roundworms, nematodes and so on. It only takes about two months for their eggs to develop into adults, and after the adults enter the intestines and stomach of beef cattle, affecting the appetite of beef cattle, 0.1% Liuweijia and albendazole can be used to dispel internal parasites, and LiuWeiJia can be used to dispel external parasites a week later. At the same time, an appropriate amount of ruminin was added to the feed to increase the resistance of beef cattle to coccidiosis.

2. Invigorate stomach and intestine

Poor appetite in beef cattle may be caused by physical causes, such as food stagnation, indigestion and constipation. At this time, we add beneficial bacteria or microbial growth promoters when feeding. Increase the accumulation of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines and stomach of beef cattle, secrete beneficial substances, promote digestion, and increase the resistance and immunity of beef cattle.

3. Eliminate gastrointestinal inflammation.

Gastrointestinal inflammation of beef cattle will lead to poor appetite, general gastrointestinal inflammation external performance of loss of appetite, diarrhea, constipation and so on, the emergence of this condition, in the feed appropriate amount of sulfonamidine feeding, continuous 2-3 days can be cured.

4. Rumen iron extraction

Rumen iron extraction is a common thing in farms. Beef cattle eat poorly. When eating, they often swallow some metal objects such as iron wires and nails, resulting in metal substances that cannot be digested, causing damage to the cow's stomach, slightly affecting their appetite, and causing beef cattle to die. So the general farm will regularly take iron from the rumen.

5. Rational collocation of feed

Poor appetite of beef cattle may be the reason for feed, such as wheat straw, corn stalk, rice straw, etc., these rough feeding quality is poor, but also relatively hard, untreated feeding will affect the appetite of beef cattle. Therefore, rough feeding must be treated when feeding, and those of poor quality can be ammoniated and then fed, while those with harder texture can be crushed and then fed. The collocation of fine feeding should also pay attention to nutritional balance, pay attention to the proportion of trace elements, and buy regular brand additives when in use.

The above is the poor appetite of beef cattle brought by the pro-agricultural network how to do, the reasons and methods of poor appetite of beef cattle are introduced, hope to help you, want to know more, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.