
Causes, prevention and treatment of diarrhea in calves

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Causes, prevention and treatment of diarrhea in calves

Newborn calves have low body resistance, are more sensitive to external environmental stimuli and are susceptible to infection, of which the more common is calf diarrhea. The growth of sick calves will be restricted, and it is easy to die if it is not treated in time, so what is the cause of calf diarrhea? How to prevent and cure it? The following pro-agricultural network brings a detailed introduction, let's take a look.

1. Environmental stress

Calves have not fully developed their body structure and function after birth, especially the gastrointestinal digestive system, so they are not adaptable to the environment and are sensitive to noise and strange smells, which often lead to digestive system disorders and diarrhea. In spring and autumn, great changes in temperature, poor environment and long-distance transportation can lead to stress response and diarrhea in calves.

2. Pathogen and virus infection

The environment of the enclosure is complex, and germs and viruses can easily grow and reproduce in this environment, while newborn calves have weak resistance, coupled with climate change, they are easily infected with germs and viruses, causing symptoms of loss of appetite, mental disorders and diarrhea. in severe cases, it can lead to calves' death.

3. Improper feeding

Calves in the feeding process, if the feed is not fresh, or spoiled and moldy feed, it is easy to lead to indigestion and diarrhea. Especially in weaning, during the period of feeding, the intestines and stomach failed to adapt and lead to diarrhea, watery faeces were discharged after the disease, and the body was emaciated.

4. Parasite infection

Coccidia infection mainly occurs in large-scale breeding grounds, resulting in a sharp increase in germs and microorganisms in the enclosure, which is very easy to be infected with parasites, such as Ascaris lumbricoides and nematodes. The specific symptoms are diarrhea, bloody stool, loss of appetite, dehydration and so on.

5. Prevention and control methods

Give priority to prevention, do a good job of management and feeding, feed must be fresh, do not deteriorate or mildew, and environmental hygiene conditions, regular disinfection, colostrum can be fed after calves are born to improve resistance. Find that kind of diarrhea caused by timely use of vaccines or veterinary drugs for prevention and treatment, vaccination and feeding agents, we should pay attention to the type of vaccine and appropriate strains and the corresponding agents.

The above are the causes and prevention methods of calf diarrhea brought by pro-agricultural network. The causes of calf diarrhea are all kinds of strange, more prevention-based, want to know more, please pay attention to pro-agricultural network.