
Nursing methods of sows after parturition

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Nursing methods of sows after parturition

Sows are physically weak for a period of time after giving birth, and often have symptoms such as loss of appetite, just like people who need to take good care of their bodies after giving birth, which will have a certain impact on their physical quality in the future. therefore, good maintenance should be carried out after giving birth, and sows are the same, after giving birth to piglets, we also need to take good care of them to prepare for the next baby and improve their service life. So today, let's take a look at the postpartum care of sows with Xiaobian.

1. Breeding environment

The living environment of the sow needs to be dealt with after the sow is postpartum. First of all, we need to get rid of the postpartum placenta of the sow. The second is to check whether the sow is injured. If there is any injury, it needs to be treated in time. Because the piglet needs to drink breast milk for a period of time, in order not to let the piglet get infected, it needs to take good care of the sow. Secondly, there will be more bacteria in the pigsty just after giving birth. The resistance of piglets is not very good, so it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive disinfection of the pigsty, which can be disinfected with 2% Laisuer, followed by keeping the pigsty as clean as possible, changing the fodder frequently and cleaning it more. let it have a clean and hygienic living environment to maintain and repair the body after delivery.

2. Anti-inflammatory treatment

Postpartum sow uterus will be more or less damaged, so we have to give it anti-inflammatory treatment, if not handled properly may lead to subsequent infertility. The time of anti-inflammation is generally one week, the method of operation is to inject penicillin into the skin and inject potassium permanganate solution into the birth canal at the same time. If the sow in the production process is relatively smooth, you do not think that there is no need for anti-inflammation, in fact, it is also necessary, but also to inject penicillin for 20 consecutive days to enhance its physical quality. If the effect of the sow in the process of postpartum anti-inflammation is not very obvious, then you had better adopt the method of traditional Chinese medicine, take motherwort fried water and add some sugar to it, the effect will be better.

3. Feeding and management

The sow will be tired and thirsty after delivery, so the sow is first fed with water and a little salt is added to the water to supplement the functions needed by the body. Secondly, the sow will be very hungry after delivery, because it does not have much appetite before birth, so it eats less, and we will want to eat very much after delivery. We usually feed it something good, usually rice or cooked porridge. The amount of feed is not too large, it is generally enough, and then slowly increase the amount behind, and finally return to the previous normal food intake.

4. Loss of appetite

Some sows suffer from anorexia after giving birth, and they have no appetite or even no appetite. The reason for this symptom is that the birth canal is infected during production, so they have no appetite. We usually add a little penicillin to the feed or calcium tablets to the feed. At the same time, rice porridge is generally fed during the ten days after delivery, which is of great help to its body recovery.

5. No milk or less milk after delivery

Postpartum sows sometimes have insufficient milk, and piglets often snatch milk in the pigsty. In fact, the harm to sows is the greatest. Department Oh, ah, Zhu was not conscious at the beginning. Even if there is no milk, it will always bite the nipples of sows, which will lead to inflammation of sows' breasts and less milk. If we want to avoid this situation after sows, we need to boil kelp and rice into porridge all the time, which can be used to feed the sows, so that the milk of the sows can become sufficient, and the physical quality of the sows can be improved.

Sows in postpartum will encounter a lot of problems, we may be relatively rough breeding, but in the sow postpartum period of time, we should take good care of them, or eventually suffer losses or their own. The above is the pro-farm network to bring you about the sow postpartum nursing methods, I hope it can help you pig-raising friends.