
Seed price and planting method of Polygonum multiflorum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Seed price and planting method of Polygonum multiflorum

Polygonum multiflorum is a perennial twining vine of Polygonaceae Polygonum multiflorum, which grows in valley thickets, hillside forests and gully stone gaps, and is produced in southern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, East China, Central China, South China, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. Root tuber has the effects of nourishing blood and nourishing yin, moistening intestines, dispelling wind and detoxification. Let's take a look at the seed price and planting method of Polygonum multiflorum.

How much is the seed of Polygonum multiflorum?

The price of Polygonum multiflorum is about 1520 yuan per jin, but it varies greatly due to the quality, variety, origin and market of the seeds. Polygonum multiflorum is mainly planted by direct seeding, and the seeds can also be raised and transplanted, and the seeds mature around September to October. An excellent single plant with pure variety, no diseases and insect pests and strong growth and development is selected as the mother plant for seed collection. When the seed appearance changes from white to brown and the interior becomes black, it will fall off naturally, and the collected seeds will be dried and stored in sacks or sand bags in a ventilated and dry place. Do not use plastic bags for storage.

Sowing method of Polygonum multiflorum

1. Site selection: Polygonum multiflorum has strict requirements on soil, and it is suitable for the land with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil, convenient water source and energy drainage and irrigation. after the seedling bed is determined, weeds should be removed in advance to prevent weeds from competing with seedlings for nutrients and light.

2. Soil preparation: Polygonum multiflorum seedling bed is deeply turned over and exposed to the sun for 15 days, then soil preparation is carried out, combined with basic fertilizer, 10 kg of high-quality farm manure is applied per square meter, dig once after application, remove the roots of weeds, and grasp the soil moisture surface.

3. Manage soil moisture: after sowing, Polygonum multiflorum generally depends on artificial irrigation because of serious spring drought. It is appropriate to flatten soil moisture with a width of 1.5 meters, surrounded by a ridge of soil with a width of 30 centimeters, which is beneficial to water conservation and fertilizer conservation.

4. Sowing date: the best sowing season of Polygonum multiflorum is "stinging" in March, which can not meet the temperature of seed germination too early. Although seedlings emerge quickly after sowing too late, the best growth period is short, which is disadvantageous to the growth of seedlings.

5. Sowing: the sowing rate of Polygonum multiflorum is 4: 6 grams per square meter. Mix fine soil or plant ash in the morning or evening when there is no wind. After sowing, cover the soil with fine sieve and a small amount of farm manure, and then cover with a layer of green pine hair.

Seedling Management of Polygonum multiflorum

1. Watering: the seeds of Polygonum multiflorum are small, so you must spray them with a spray pot many times when watering, and do not use water directly to irrigate them fiercely, and then gently water them once every day after 10:00 or 5pm on a sunny day, and once every 2 or 3 days after seedling emergence in 20-25 days.

2. Weeding: weeds come out first after sowing Polygonum multiflorum, weeds should be weeded in time and watered as appropriate, and weeding will be done once every 10 days or so, which is very important to the success of seedling cultivation.

3. Topdressing: 60 days after being unearthed, Polygonum multiflorum seedlings can be sprayed with 100 kg water plus 0.2-0.3 kg compound fertilizer or urea every 10-15 days, and in the middle and later stages with 0.5-1% concentration of compound fertilizer or urea, or with 50 kg of clear water and 5-8 kg of dung water.

4. Interseedling: the first and second seedlings of Polygonum multiflorum were carried out about 30 days after the seedlings were unearthed, and the second time was about 50 days after the seedlings were unearthed. The seedlings should be kept at an interval of 3-4 cm, sooner rather than later, and should be properly watered after each seedling.

5. Disease prevention: Polygonum multiflorum seedling diseases and pests are mainly ground tigers and powdery mildew, which can be killed manually or sprayed with 2000 times enemy spray. Powdery mildew is sprayed with 200 times Bordeaux solution of 1 before onset, and with 25% carbendazim 500 times 800 times solution.

Planting method of Polygonum multiflorum

1. Fertilization: the transplanting plots of Polygonum multiflorum apply 1000kg / mu farm fertilizer plus 30kg / mu phosphate fertilizer or 20kg / mu compound fertilizer, usually fertilizing and mixing soil in the transplanting pond before transplanting.

2. Topdressing: when the transplanting seedlings of Polygonum multiflorum grow to about 60 cm, combined with ploughing and weeding, 30kg of compound fertilizer or 30kg of urea can be applied per mu, which is suitable for irrigation and weeding at any time.

4. Erection: Polygonum multiflorum is a climbing plant. When the plant grows to about one meter after transplanting, it must be more than 1 meter high with bamboo poles or branches and improve ventilation and light transmission conditions.

5. Topping: when Polygonum multiflorum vines grow to 2 meters high, remove the terminal buds to benefit the branches, cut off the overdense branches and the overgrown branches germinating from the base after 30 days to reduce nutrient consumption, and remove the leaves at the base of the stem and the unseeded flower buds to facilitate ventilation and light.

6. Soil cultivation: Polygonum multiflorum planted in the south was cultivated in the rhizosphere at the end of December in order to increase reproductive materials and promote root growth, and cultivate soil before winter in the north to facilitate overwintering.

Disease and pest control of Polygonum multiflorum

1. Leaf spot

[harm] the disease begins in the high temperature and rainy season, and the disease is serious due to poor ventilation in the field, which is harmful to leaves.

[prevention] ① should be ventilated and transparent, and diseased leaves should be cut off. At the initial stage of ②, 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 120 Bordeaux solution was sprayed once every 7 to 10 days for 2 consecutive 3 times.

2. Root rot

[harm] mostly occurs in summer, causing damage to the roots.

[prevention and treatment] pay attention to watering ①. The diseased plant was removed by ② and the diseased point was covered with lime and stamped. ③ irrigates the root with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times liquid, which can play a protective role.

3. Rust

[harm] the disease began in late February, and the damage was serious from March to May, July and August, causing damage to leaves.

[prevention and treatment] ① removed diseased leaves, diseased plants and aboveground residual leaves. ② was sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil 1000 fold solution or 75% methyl topiramate 800~l000 multiple solution, once every 7 to 10 days, twice in a row.

4. Aphids

[harm] harm to stems and leaves.

[prevention] spray with 40% dimethoate EC 1500-2000 times and a small amount of detergent, once every half a month.