
Seed price and planting method of patchouli

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Seed price and planting method of patchouli

Patchouli, also known as Hexiang, Cangao, mountain fennel, etc., is a perennial herb of the labial family, widely distributed in China, mainly produced in Sichuan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangdong and other places. The medicine has the functions of invigorating dampness and awakening the spleen, eliminating filth and relieving summer heat. Let's take a look at the seed price and planting method of patchouli.

How much is the seed of patchouli per jin?

The price of patchouli seed is about 150-180 yuan per jin, but it varies greatly due to the quality, variety, producing area and market of the seed. Patchouli multipurpose seed propagation, seed life span of 2 to 4 years, so the seeds can be sowed every other year, seed germination needs light conditions, germination temperature 18: 22 ℃, germination days 7: 10 days. Sowing in the same year, the harvest is new patchouli, there are many leaves, the quality of leaves is good, and it can also be propagated by persistent roots (old patchouli) in production.

The sowing method of patchouli seed

1. Sowing time: patchouli was sown in spring in the north and raised seedlings in mid-late April. Before sowing, the seedbed was applied 2.5 kilograms of mature human and animal dung water per square meter, moist border surface was used as base fertilizer, leveling and raking fine before sowing.

2. Sowing method: patchouli can only be sown by sowing or strip sowing, 2g / mu, 500g / mu and 800g / mu. Finally, the border is covered with film to keep warm and moisturizing.

① sowing: seeds mixed with fine sand or plant ash, evenly scattered on the border surface, gently pat the border surface with a thin plate, so that the seeds are in close contact with the border surface, covering soil thickness of 1 cm.

② strip sowing: along the border according to the row spacing of 25cm to 30cm, ditch depth of 1cm to 1.5cm, pour water, seeds mixed with fine sand evenly scattered into the ditch, cover soil 1cm, slightly suppress.

Planting method of patchouli

The main results are as follows: 1. Seedling supplement: after sowing, when the temperature is 13: 18 ℃ and the soil moisture is suitable, the seedlings will emerge in 10-12 days. When the seedling height is 10 cm to 12 cm, the seedlings should be separated from each other to remove the weak and stay strong. Strip sowing can be divided into two rows according to the plant spacing of 10 cm to 12 cm and the seedlings are staggered. There were 3 or 4 strong seedlings in each hole.

2. Timely planting: when the height of Huoxiang seedlings is 12cm 15cm and the true leaves are 4cm, according to the plant spacing of 25cm and row spacing of 40cm, the seedlings should be planted with thin dung water in cloudy days. 6 ~ 7000 plants per mu should be planted, and the roots should be watered thoroughly after planting. If missing plants are found after survival, overcast days should be chosen to replenish seedlings.

3. Topdressing management: the first topdressing of patchouli was applied 1.5 kilograms of rarefied human and animal manure per square meter after loosening the soil with a seedling height of 3 cm, and then it was carried out when the seedling height was 7 cm 10 cm, 15 cm 20 cm and 25 cm 30 cm, respectively, and should be watered after fertilization. no more topdressing after ridge closure.

4. Drainage and drought resistance: patchouli likes micro-tide soil environment. If there is no rain in case of drought after sowing and transplanting, attention should be paid to timely watering (irrigation) to resist drought and protect seedlings. In rainy weather and after irrigation, ditch cleaning and drainage should be done in time to prevent stagnant water and cause rotten roots.

5. Timely harvest: pick tender stems and leaves, seedlings from April to June, or harvest in full bloom from July to August, cut off the ground on a sunny day and dry in the sun, Kang or shade, yielding 4500kg to 7500kg per hectare, preferably those with green stems and branches, dry leaves and strong aroma.

Disease control of patchouli

1. Root rot

Most of the damage occurred in the rainy season in summer, when the diseased plants rotted from the roots and rhizomes, gradually extended to the aboveground, browned the cortex, and finally withered and died.

[prevention and treatment] pull out the diseased plant and burn it centrally, then sprinkle lime on the diseased point, or irrigate the diseased point with 800 times of 50% methyl topiramate and 50% carbendazim 500 times.

2. Fusarium wilt

[damage] occurred from mid-June to early July, the leaves and tips of the diseased plants were drooping and withered at first, and finally the roots rotted and the whole plant withered.

[prevention and treatment] at the initial stage of the disease, the diseased plants were removed and 50% carbendazim 500 times solution, or 50% methyl thiophanate 800 times solution, or 40% carbendazim glue suspension 500 times solution was used to irrigate the disease holes and adjacent plant roots to prevent spread.

3. Angular spot disease

[harm] the damage to the leaves occurred in the rainy season, showing water-immersed disease spots at the beginning, and then gradually expanded to polygonal brown disease spots, and in serious cases, the leaves dried up and fell off, resulting in a reduction in yield.

[prevention and treatment] at the initial stage of the disease, spray prevention and control with 1.5120 times Bordeaux solution, or 72% agricultural streptomycin 1000 times solution, or 77% streptomycin solution, spray once every 10 days, 2 times continuously for 3 times.

4. Brown spot

[harm] damage to leaves, nearly round disease spots were formed on the leaves from May to June, with light brown in the middle, dark brown on the edges, and light black mildew, which was serious in the wet rainy season.

[prevention and treatment] remove the diseased leaves and burn them, and spray them with 1DV 120 times Bordeaux solution, or 64% alum wettable powder 500 times solution, or 58% Metalaxyl manganese zinc 500 times solution.

5. Spot blight

[harm] the disease spots on both sides of the leaves are polygonal, with an initial diameter of 1mm to 3mm, dark brown, the leaf color turns yellow, when the disease spots converge and the leaves die.

[prevention and treatment] at the initial stage of the disease, 50% 1000 times solution was sprayed, once every 7 days, for 2 times in a row.

6. Aphids

[harm] Adult and nymph clusters do harm to tender shoots and leaves, resulting in poor plant growth and inability to grow new buds and leaves normally.

[control] spray with 1000 times of imidacloprid wettable powder, or 2000 times of aldicarb, or 1500 times of dimethoate EC. Stop the drug half a month before collection to avoid residual poison.

7. Red Spider

[harm] it occurred seriously in the season of high temperature and low humidity from June to August, and the affected part initially appeared small yellow-white spot, gradually became a big yellow-brown scorched spot, and finally the whole leaf turned yellow and fell off.

[control] spray with 1500 times solution of insect mite, or 3000 times solution of 40% Sukron or 1.8% avermectin.

8. Silver leaf moth

[harmful] the silver leaf moth makes holes or holes in the leaves by its larvae, which lurks on the back of the leaves during the day and feeds on the leaves at night and cloudy days.

[control] spray with 1000 times of 90% crystal trichlorfon or 300 times of 350 times of 25% insecticidal amidine.

9. Leaf borer

[harm] leaf borer, Chilo suppressalis, whose larvae spin silk and roll leaves on young buds and young leaves, hide in their mouths to feed on leaves.

[control] foliar spraying of trichlorfon with 300 ~ 400 times liquid.