
Seed price and planting method of Polygonatum polygonatum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Seed price and planting method of Polygonatum polygonatum

Rhizoma Polygonatum, also known as yellow chicken cabbage, pen tube vegetable, tiger ginger, etc., is a perennial plant of Liliaceae, under forests, bushes or shady slopes, with a wide range of uses, including medicine, edible, ornamental, and cosmetology. Rhizome medicine has the effects of tonifying qi and nourishing yin, moistening the lungs and promoting fluid, invigorating the spleen and kidney. Let's take a look at the seed price and planting method of Polygonatum.

How much is Rhizoma Polygonatum seed per jin?

The price of Polygonatum seed varies greatly with different varieties, including chicken head Polygonatum, Polygonatum polygonatum and Polygonatum yunnanensis. Chicken head Polygonatum is mainly produced in Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Northeast and other places, the quality is good but the size is relatively small, the seed is about 50-80 yuan per jin. Polygonatum polygonatum is mainly produced in Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other places, the seed is about 100,120 yuan per jin. Polygonatum yunnanensis is mainly produced in Yunnan, and the seeds are about 120-150 yuan per jin. It is worth noting that when buying Polygonatum seeds, we should first consider the authenticity of the seeds, and then consider the price.

Sowing method of Rhizoma Polygonatum

1. Seed treatment: Rhizoma Polygonatum selected mature and full seeds for sand storage treatment immediately after the seeds matured in August. 1 part of the seed and 3 parts of sand were evenly mixed and stored in a pit 30 cm deep in the shade to keep moist.

2. Sowing at the right time: Polygonatum usually sift out the seeds in late March, spread them evenly into the shallow ditch on the border surface according to the row spacing of 12-15 cm, cover soil about 1.5 cm, water slightly, and cover with a layer of grass to moisturize.

3. Management at seedling stage: the cover grass was removed before emergence of Polygonatum polygonatum. When the seedling height was 6-9 cm, the seedlings could be planted properly and transplant one year later. In order to meet the shade conditions needed for the growth of Polygonatum, corn could be planted on the ridge.

Planting method of Rhizoma Polygonatum

1. Soil preparation and fertilization: Polygonatum polygonatum planting chooses moist and fully shaded plots, and the soil should be loam or sandy loam with loose and good water retention. Turn deeply before sowing, combined with 2000 kg of farm manure per mu of land preparation, and then rake fine leveling to make the border, the width of the border is 1.2m.

2. Intermediate ploughing and weeding: Rhizoma Polygonatum should often be ploughed and weeded in the early stage of growth, once a year in April, June, September and November, shallow hoe and proper soil cultivation, and weeding in the later stage. In case of drought or the need for timely watering in sunny and dry places.

3. Timely fertilization: Polygonatum polygonatum combined with weeding and topdressing every year. After the first three intertillage, 1500 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer and 50 kg of superphosphate and 50 kg of cake fertilizer were applied per mu, mixed well, ditched and applied between rows, and then covered with soil and fertilizer.

4. pest control: Polygonatum leaf spot was controlled with 65% zinc wettable powder. Black spot was sprayed with 100 Bordeaux solution. Grub could be mixed with 75% phoxim EC according to seed amount of 0.1% or irrigated with 1000 times solution of 90% trichlorfon in the field.

5. Seed retention technique: Rhizoma Polygonatum can be propagated by rhizome and seeds, but it is better to use rhizome in production. In late autumn or late March in early spring, strong and disease-free plants are selected to dig underground rhizomes and can be directly planted as propagation materials.

6. Harvest and processing: Polygonatum is generally harvested in spring and autumn, and the harvest quality is good in autumn. After 3-4 years of cultivation, the aboveground parts are withered and harvested, the rhizomes are dug, the aboveground parts and whisker roots are removed, the soil is washed, and steamed until oily, it is taken out to dry or dry.