
Achyranthes bidentata seed prices and planting methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Achyranthes bidentata seed prices and planting methods

Achyranthes bidentata, also known as Achyranthes bidentata, Achyranthes bidentata

How much is the seed of Achyranthes bidentata?

The price of Achyranthes bidentata seed is about 40-60 yuan per jin, but it varies greatly due to the quality, variety, producing area and market of the seed. Achyranthes bidentata is a deep-rooted crop with strong adaptability and lax requirements for the previous stubble, and general soil can be planted, but it can not be planted in saline-alkali land, heavy clayey land, waterlogged land and soil layer book. Seed propagation is used in production, and the amount of seed used per mu is usually about 4 jin.

Sowing method of Achyranthes bidentata

1. Soil selection: Achyranthes bidentata is not strict on soil, and can be planted in general soil except clay and saline-alkali soil, but sandy loam and yellow soil with warm and humid climate, loose and fertile climate and good drainage are generally selected for high yield.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization: 5000 kg of ring fertilizer or soil fertilizer per mu and 25 kg of superphosphate are added to the planting land of Achyranthes bidentata. After a little leveling, the ditch is opened, and enough water is poured along the ditch, so that the soil is fully moistened, and then fill up and rake to make the bed slightly dry.

3. Sowing at the right time: Achyranthes bidentata is usually sowed around the middle of June of the lunar calendar. On cloudy and rainy days, the seeds should be evenly scattered on the border surface to cover the soil. If there is no rain, the seeds should be soaked in clear water before sowing, and the soil should not be dry after sowing.

Planting method of Achyranthes bidentata

1. Uniform seedlings in mid-tillage: Achyranthes bidentata seedlings can emerge at 7-10 days after sowing, and loosen the soil with hand-scraping hoe when the seedling height is 2-3 cm. At the same time, weeding of vegetable seedlings is carried out. When the seedling height is 3-4 cm, the seedling is kept at a distance of 3 cm, and when the seedling height is 6 cm, the seedling is fixed at a distance of 9 cm.

2. Rational watering: Achyranthes bidentata seedlings are afraid of stagnant water, but they can no longer be watered after they come out. From seedling stage to mid-August, little or no watering will help root to grow downwards. After late August, the amount of water should be increased to promote the growth of taproot.

3. Topping and promoting root: one month after sowing, the plant should be removed if necessary, the bud should be removed 3 times and 4 times, and the seedling height 40-50 cm should be cut off in time when the terminal inflorescence appears. Topping can improve the yield and quality of shower.

4. Timely topdressing: during the growth of Achyranthes bidentata, topdressing was applied twice, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, but not in the early stage. When the plant growth was 25 cm high, the topdressing of monoammonium phosphate 4kg / mu, urea 10kg, phosphate dihydrogen 2kg / kg.

5. timely harvest: Achyranthes bidentata generally generates income when the leaves wither on the ground before and after Frosts Descent, the root is not full prematurely, the yield is low, and the root is easy to be lignified or frozen too late, affecting the quality. Generally, the yield is about 3000kg to 3750kg per hectare.

Disease and insect control of Achyranthes bidentata

1. Leaf spot

[harm] the damage to the leaves often occurs in the rainy summer season, and the damaged leaves produce yellowish-brown disease spots. In severe cases, the whole leaves become grayish brown and wither and die.

[prevention and control] clear the fields before harvest and concentrate on the treatment of residual plants. At the initial stage of the disease, the patients were sprayed with 1DV 120 Bordeaux solution or 65% Dysenamine 500 times, once every 10 to 15 days for 2 consecutive 3 times.

2. Root rot

The harm mostly occurs in the high temperature and rainy season and low-lying stagnant water. After the disease, the underground roots rot in the shape of brown water stains, and the aboveground parts die.

[prevention and control] select plots with good drainage for high border planting, pay attention to drainage during rainy season, treat soil with 50% carbendazim 1 kg per mu during soil preparation, remove diseased plants or disinfect disease holes with lime, and irrigate the disease area with 50% carbendazim 500 times solution.

3. Spodoptera litura

[harm] the larva harms the plant and bites the leaves into holes or lacunae.

[control] artificial killing of larvae or spraying 90% trichlorfon 1000-1500 times or adding 40% dimethoate 2000 times.

4. Red spider

[harm] generally, the damage occurred from June to July, and the damage was serious during drought. The adults absorbed juice on the back of the leaves, and the diseased leaves dried up and fell off.

[control] remove weeds, eliminate overwintering pests, spray with 25% chlordimeform rice water agent 500 times or 40% dimethoate 1000 times 1500 times.