
Seed price and planting method of Polygonatum odoratum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Seed price and planting method of Polygonatum odoratum

Polygonatum odoratum, also known as ground tube, tail ginseng, bell vegetable, etc., is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, which is native to southwest China, but it is widely distributed in the wild. The rhizome has the functions of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, clearing heat and relieving cough, and can be used as advanced nourishing food, delicacies and beverages, which is worth planting by the broad masses of farmers. let's take a look at the seed price and planting method of Polygonatum odoratum.

How much is the seed of Polygonatum odoratum per jin?

The price of Polygonatum odoratum seeds is about 80,110 yuan per jin, but it varies according to the quality, variety, producing area and market of the seeds. Wild Polygonatum odoratum is mostly born in cool, moist, non-stagnant mountain forests or thickets, cold-resistant, shade-wet, avoid strong light and windy, happy soil is deep and rich in sand and humus, production is multi-use underground rhizome reproduction, generally per mu with seed stem 400 kg 600 jin, dry goods per mu about 1200 kg 1500 jin.

Sowing method of Polygonatum odoratum

1. Land selection and land preparation: slightly acidic sandy loam with deep soil layer, good drainage and sunny direction should be selected for planting Polygonatum odoratum, with a depth of more than 30 cm. At the same time, 3000-4000 kg of farm manure is applied per mu as base fertilizer and raked flat to form a high border with a width of 1.3 cm.

2. Seed stem selection: in autumn harvest, the hypertrophic, yellow and white root buds of Polygonatum odoratum are selected for seed, along with digging, selecting and planting. If the weather changes, the roots and buds must be spread out in a cool and leeward place indoors.

3. Seed germination: before accelerating germination, the seeds of Polygonatum odoratum were soaked in cold water for 24 hours. After the clean water was removed and controlled, the seeds were fully mixed with wet sand according to the volume ratio of 1 ∶ 3, and the seeds were poured every 10 days. After 30 days, the seeds were taken out and sown in the field.

4. Planting method: Polygonatum odoratum was planted from early October to late October, and a ditch with a depth of 15 cm was opened on the border according to the row spacing of 30 cm. The seed stems were arranged in the ditch according to the plant spacing of about 15 cm, then covered with rotten manure, and then covered with a layer of fine soil to level with the border surface.

Planting methods of Polygonatum odoratum

1. Pre-seedling management: Polygonatum odoratum should often check the border mulch after sowing and before emergence, in order to keep the border soil moist, remove the mulch when emerging, check the soil moisture condition of the border frequently, water it in time in drought, and do a good job of drainage before the rainy season.

2. Interseedling ploughing: if the seedlings of Polygonatum odoratum are too dense, do a good job of weeding at the same time, pull out the grass when you see the grass, do not use a hoe, so as not to damage the rhizome, pull up the soil by hand when the soil is dry, and should not pull up the grass after rain or when the soil is too wet.

3. Reasonable topdressing: the topdressing of Polygonatum odoratum should be determined according to the seedling years. If the seedlings are transplanted in one year under the condition of sufficient base fertilizer, there is no need for topdressing. After two years of transplanting on the annual land, the plants withered in late autumn and early winter, and then applied a layer of mature farm manure 2000 kg per mu.

4. Irrigation and drainage: during the growth of Polygonatum odoratum seedlings, the seedlings are small, the roots enter the soil shallowly, and they are not resistant to drought. Polygonatum odoratum should be watered in time, but Polygonatum odoratum should avoid stagnant water and dredge the furrows to facilitate drainage before the arrival of rainy season.

5. Winter prevention: Polygonatum odoratum annual seedlings are covered with cold protection from withering to freezing, covering leaves, grass or dung to ensure that the seedlings survive the winter safely.

Disease and pest control of Polygonatum odoratum

1. Leaf spot

[harm] in order to harm the leaves, oval or irregular shapes appear from the leaf tip, the edges are purple and red, and the disease spots in the middle are brown, which gradually spread down from the disease spots, so that the leaves become pale white and wither and die. The disease usually begins in summer and autumn, and the disease is more serious in the rainy season.

[prevention and control] clean the pastoral hygiene in time after harvest, burn the withered branch disease body centrally, eliminate the overwintering pathogen in the countryside, and spray 1, 1, 100, 120 Bordeaux solution, or 1000 times of 50% acetaminophen, once every 10 days for 2 consecutive 3 times before and at the initial stage of the disease.

2. Root rot

[harm] at the initial stage of the disease, the rhizome was a light brown round disease spot, the later part of the disease rotted, the tissue was discrete and sunken, and the severe disease spots were connected into large blocks, which affected the yield and quality of Polygonatum odoratum, which was aggravated year by year in the old cultivation area of Guangdong.

[prevention and control] the implementation of crop rotation, do not stubble, timely use of drugs at the initial stage of the disease to fill the root, you can choose 50% carbendazim 500 times solution, or 20% Shuangxiaoling water agent 200 times solution, or 50% antifungal 800 times solution.

3. Grey spot

[harm] damage to the leaves, the diseased plants formed slightly round, purple edge and central gray spots on the leaf surface at the initial stage, and striped spots could be formed along the leaf veins at the same time. In severe cases, the whole leaf withered, more than from June to July.

[prevention and treatment] at the initial stage of the disease, 500-fold solution of chlorothalonil could be sprayed once every 5 to 7 days for 2 times in a row.

4. Purple wheel disease

[harm] for the harmful leaves, the disease spot was born on both sides of the leaf, round to oval, began to be red, the central part gradually turned gray to grayish brown, and the upper black spot was the conidium of the pathogen.

[prevention and control] to do a good job in field hygiene, after seedling emergence, spray with 70% methyl topiramate 800 times, 50% mancozeb 600 times, or 50% bacillus 800 times, once every 10 days, three times in a row.

5. Grub

The grub adults appear in the middle of May and are active in the evening. They like to lay eggs on the immature barnyard manure, and the eggs are scattered in the wetter soil.

[control] remove weeds in winter, turn the land deeply, destroy the overwintering place, spread 25,30kg lime per mu on the soil surface and turn in to kill the larvae, or irrigate the soil around the root with 1000-1500 times of 90% crystal trichlorfon.