
High-yielding planting techniques of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, High-yielding planting techniques of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz

Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz is a commonly used and important bulk traditional Chinese medicine, which is a perennial herb of Atractylodes macrocephala in Compositae. the rhizome has the effects of tonifying spleen and stomach, dryness and diuresis, stopping perspiration and calming fetus. Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Anhui, Sichuan, Hubei and Hunan are cultivated in China. Let's take a look at the high-yield planting techniques of Atractylodes macrocephala.

Soil preparation and fertilization

The seedling land of Atractylodes macrocephala should choose slightly acidic sandy soil with medium fertility, good drainage and cool ventilation, applying farm manure 2000 kg per mu, ploughing deeply, raking flat and fine, and making a border 1.2m wide. The field should choose fertile, ventilated, cool and well drained sandy loam soil that has not been planted for 5 years. Gramineae crops are better before cropping. 3000 kg farm manure is applied per mu after harvest, 50 kg calcium superphosphate is applied as base fertilizer, and the depth is 20 cm. Make a border of 1 to 1.5 meters.

Seedling raising and transplanting

1. Seedling raising: the new species with full grains and no diseases and insect pests were selected from late March to early April and soaked in 30 ℃ warm water for one day. Strip sowing or sowing, sowing 5kg / mu, emergence 7-10d after sowing, removing the cover grass after emergence, strengthening field management, 400kg / mu can be cultivated before transplanting in winter.

2. Transplanting: it can be transplanted from the winter of the current year to the spring of the following year, with no leaves and flowering in the same year, strong main buds, small and neat rhizomes and large apricot kernels. Cut the fibrous root when transplanting, open a trench with a depth of 10 cm according to the row spacing of 25 cm, put the seedling into the ditch according to the plant spacing of about 15 cm, the tip of the tooth is facing up and level with the ground, slightly suppressed on both sides, and watered after planting, 50kg / mu of fresh Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.

Field management

1. Suitable time seedlings: the seedlings of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz are unearthed according to the plant spacing of 4cm to 6cm. If the weather is dry, weeds can be removed among the plants to reduce water evaporation. Areas with conditions can be watered to resist drought in the morning and evening, and bolting should be removed in time if bolting is found in the later stage of growth.

2.Intermediate ploughing and weeding: Atractylodes macrocephala seedlings are unearthed until May, there are many weeds in the field, weeding should be diligent, the first few ploughing can be deeper, then shallow hoeing should be done, and weeds can be pulled out by hand if there are any weeds among plants after mid-May.

3. Rational fertilization: Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz can be fertilized once before and after budding, 20 kg of urea and 30 kg of compound fertilizer are applied in the inter-row ditch, covered with soil and watered, and can be topdressing again one week after bud picking.

4. Irrigation and drainage: sufficient water is needed in the growth period of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz, especially in the period of rhizome expansion, irrigation should be timely in case of drought, and water should be drained in time, such as stagnant water after rain.

5. Removal of buds: Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz generally begins to bud in the middle of June, and buds are removed in batches after budding and before flowering in the early and middle of July, which is beneficial to improve the yield and quality of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.

6. Cover grass over summer: Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz is afraid of high temperature, so in July high temperature season, you can sprinkle a layer of leaves and wheat bran on the surface as a cover to adjust the ground temperature to make Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz safe.

Harvest and retain species

1. Harvesting and processing: Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz harvested when the stems and leaves withered from late October to mid-November, dug out the rhizome, cut off the stem, and transported it back for processing, with a large meat thick, no tall stem, no root, no hollow, yellow and white cross section, and rich aroma, yielding 400 kilograms of dry goods per mu.

2. Seed retention technique: Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz generally selects strong plants, small branches, large leaves and flattened buds as mother plants from July to August, remove late or early blooming buds, leave 5 or 6 buds per plant, and harvest seeds in the first and middle of November, but the seeds can not be dried for a long time.

Pest control

1. Blight

[harm] it is easy to occur with low temperature and high humidity, which mostly occurs in the planting site, causing damage to the rhizome.

[control] reduce the humidity in the field and irrigate with 1000 times of carbendazim at the initial stage of the disease.

2. Iron leaf disease

[damage] started in April, especially from June to August, causing damage to leaves.

[prevention and treatment] to remove the diseased plants, 1 ∶ 1 ∶ Bordeaux solution was used at the initial stage of the disease, and 50% topiramate or 1000 times carbendazim was sprayed at the later stage.

3. White silk disease

[harm] began in April, especially from June to August, causing damage to the rhizome.

[control] rotation with Gramineae crops, remove diseased plants and disinfect disease holes with raw lime powder, and disinfect soil with Trichoderma harzianum before planting.

4. Root rot

The harm began in April, especially from June to August, especially when the humidity was high, causing damage to the roots.

[control] before planting, soak the seeds with 1000-fold solution of 50% carbendazim for 5 minutes for 10 minutes, and irrigate with 50% carbendazim or 50% methyl topiramate at the initial stage of the disease.

5. Rust

[damage] started in May, causing damage to leaves.

[prevention and treatment] Clean the countryside and spray with 1000 times solution at the initial stage of the disease.

6. Seed worm

[harm] it starts at the early stage of flowering and harms the seeds.

[prevention and control] Deep freezing, flood and drought rotation, spraying with 80% dichlorvos 800 times liquid at the initial stage of flowering.