
What about the dark spots on the camellia leaves?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What about the dark spots on the camellia leaves?

Camellia, as one of the famous flowers in China, is also among the best in international flower art. The color of camellias is very beautiful, because there are many varieties of camellias, so they are also in a variety of colors, which are loved by people and are generally cultivated in the south. But the survival rate of camellias is not high, and breeding also requires technology. What is the reason for causing black spots on leaves when infected with some diseases and insect pests? What are we going to do? Next Shuai Shuai will tell you about it!

I. Leaf spot

1. Reason

The occurrence of black spots on the leaves of camellias may be infected with leaf spot disease, which is also a problem encountered by many breeders. This is a disease that specifically harms the leaves of plants. The initial symptom of the disease is that dark brown spots appear on the leaves, then slowly increase, expand around, and finally grow more and more, and then grow all over the leaves, causing the leaves to die and fall off, and then infect other leaves. Some plaques also have grayish brown and grayish white spots. The reason why camellias will be infected with leaf spot disease is mostly due to hot and humid air, not ventilated, so that bacteria have the conditions for breeding, too much watering is also one of the reasons, once stagnant water will cause root rot, germs will take advantage of the opportunity to infect the plant. These pathogens can spread through many ways, making more leaves and plants infected with leaf spot.

2. Solution

If your camellias are infected with leaf spot, you should pay attention to these points. Do not splash water on the leaves when watering. This will aggravate the disease. If there is water on the diseased leaves, it will provide nutrients to the germs. In addition, all the infected leaves should be cut off before overwintering, and then sprayed with stone-sulfur mixture. during this period, the leaves should be protected from burns and frostbite, and the temperature change of the surrounding environment should be controlled. it's best to culture it indoors under scattered light. In the usual maintenance, we can buy chemicals for spraying, which can supplement nutrients and prevent diseases, and reduce the incidence of camellias.

2. Bituminous coal disease

1. Reason

Bituminous coal disease is very similar to leaf spot disease, and the symptoms are also very similar. if camellias suffer from bituminous disease, black spots will be formed on the surface of the leaves. These disease spots are also grayish brown at the initial stage of the disease, but they are different in the later stage. Finally, it will change from grayish brown to black, and then slowly expand the scope of the bacteria, endangering the whole leaf and other leaves. The growth and infection condition of bituminous coal disease is an unventilated environment with high temperature and humidity, and fungal infection caused by aphids and shell insects. The higher the humidity and temperature in the ambient air, the faster the development of bituminous coal disease, and the black spot will affect plant photosynthesis, so that the plant chlorophyll synthesis and other aspects will be destroyed, which is very disadvantageous to the growth of camellias.

2. Solution

First of all, to prevent and cure the root causes, we first adjust the growth environment of the diseased plants, move the plants to an environment with moderate air circulation and light for cultivation, and then wipe all the diseased leaves of the plants with clean water to wipe off the disease spots and some germs. then we can buy some agents to control aphids and shell insects in the market, which can prevent the infection rate of insect pests. Usually, once pests are found, they can be erased with a rag.

The above are the causes and solutions of dark spots on camellias leaves. Generally, the causes of dark spots on camellias are caused by leaf spot disease and bituminous coal disease. These two bacteria specifically harm the leaves of plants. Therefore, in the process of breeding, we should destroy the growth conditions of pests, can not give them conditions for reproduction, inhibit their transmission, and then do some preventive work and spraying.