
Matters needing attention in betel nut planting

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Matters needing attention in betel nut planting

Betel nut is a very common food in our life, and it is a recreational product for many young people to pass the time when they are bored. There is a tendency to replace cigarettes gradually. Betel nut planting is not very easy. It often has all kinds of problems. Today, the pro-agricultural network brings you some problems that need to be paid attention to. I hope it can help you.

1. Planting conditions

Betel nut is generally produced in areas with tropical rain forest climate, such as Southeast Asia, while betel nut in China is mainly produced in Hainan, which is mainly related to the climate and environment. The temperature suitable for betel nut growth is best in a state of high temperature all the year round, and it is best to set the temperature at about 15 to 35 degrees while maintaining high humidity. Planting will generally be selected in a certain slope of land, while the need to apply a sufficient amount of base fertilizer to ensure the most basic growth needs of betel nut trees.

2. Planting method

Planting methods need to pay attention to more things, first of all, the need to accelerate the seed germination, and then sowing, there are two ways to accelerate germination, one is to soak the seeds, the other is to accumulate. First of all, to soak the seeds is to soak the seeds in water for more than ten days, then soak them with potions, and finally put them into the soil pile when they reach the condition of germination, and then pour them thoroughly with water and cover them with straw and film to promote germination. Wait until most of the buds are white, you can raise seedlings, then it is best to use nutrient solution to raise seedlings so that the emergence rate will be much higher than the ordinary direct seedling method. Nutrient solution seedling is to put the seeds that have already sprouted on the seedling bed, and then transport the nutrient solution to the seedling bed, the early nutrient solution will be more, and then slowly decrease, so that it can adapt to the environment of future growth.

3. Planting density

Planting density is also a condition that needs to be paid great attention to in betel nut planting. Although betel nut is not particularly tall, it is a tree after all, and it also needs a lot of light at the same time. If the plant is relatively dense, then it can produce even less betel nut, so the best planting density is two to three meters between each plant and three to three meters between each row.

4. Fertilization technology

The growth of betel nut needs a lot of nutrients, so it needs to be fertilized many times, and each fertilization must be sufficient, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, followed by phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer during flowering and fruiting period. Each fertilization needs to be carried out in the first ploughing and weeding to get rid of weeds in the field in order to reduce unnecessary nutrient consumption. Before betel nut grows into a big tree. Every year, we also need to apply some farm manure to maintain nutrient balance. Finally, during the flowering and fruiting period, it consumes more nutrients, which is also the time when it consumes the most nutrients in the whole growing period. It needs to replenish nutrients, generally reaching 70% of the growing period. Finally, when it enters the dormant period, it also needs to be maintained.

5. Disease and pest control

The common diseases of betel nut are root rot and leaf rot, although these two diseases cause different degrees of betel nut rot, but the methods of treatment are completely different. the prevention and treatment of root rot is to sprinkle some lime or disinfect with chlorothalonil, while leaf rot needs to be irrigated with 500 times of copper noble (basic copper sulfate) suspension. Finally, we also need to pay special attention to betel nut black whitefly, which is particularly serious damage to betel nut, so we often need to spray imidacloprid solution to prevent.