
Breeding methods and matters needing attention of cyclamen

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Breeding methods and matters needing attention of cyclamen

Cyclamen is a perennial herb with strong plant type, luxuriant flowers, bright colors and high ornamental value. it is a widely cultivated indoor potted flower in recent years. It is also very anti-pollution, and has a certain resistance to sulfur dioxide and chlorine. It can not only decorate the home, but also purify the air. Next, let's share its breeding methods and precautions.

Reproduction method

1. Sowing and reproduction: select seeds with uniform size and full particles, disinfect them with 75% alcohol before sowing, wash them and soak them in warm hot water for one day before sowing. Another way is to wrap the seeds in gauze and soak them in warm hot water for a day. After soaking, scrub the seed coat clean and sow the seeds. After sowing, keep the temperature at about 18 degrees and the humidity at about 90%. It can germinate after about three weeks, and the seedlings can emerge after one month.

2. Stem-cutting propagation: after flowering or from August to September, plants with strong growth, healthy and disease-free were selected, and the bulbs with more than two bud eyes were removed. The removal tools should be disinfected so as not to be infected with germs. the cut should be sprinkled with plant ash, and the removed bulbs can be planted in another pot after drying.

Culture method

1. Soil: the soil should be loose, permeable, fertile and well drained, and the soil is neutral.

2. Illumination: cyclamen is fond of sunny environment, so it needs to be cultured in places with sufficient light, especially at low temperature in winter, but avoid strong light, strong sunshine in summer and proper shade.

3. Temperature: like warm climate, the best growth temperature is 10-20 degrees; below 5 degrees, the growth rate is slow; if it is higher than 30 degrees, the plant will enter a dormant period; if it is higher than 35 degrees, the plant will rot and die; therefore, the summer temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees. Winter temperature should not be lower than 0 degrees.

4. Watering: sex likes humid environment, but avoid waterlogging, too much water is easy to rot and die, the amount of watering should be controlled, do not cause too much water.

5. Fertilization: there is little demand for fertility. You can apply a low concentration of potassium phosphate fertilizer in the spring and autumn growth period. Remember not to apply excessive nitrogen fertilizer during flowering, otherwise the branches and leaves will grow very fast, and the flowers will wither and fall ahead of time.

6, ventilation: breeding in a poorly ventilated environment, petals will soon fall, so often ventilated, but do not put in the tuyere.

7. Diseases and insect pests: cyclamen has many diseases. Attention must be paid to the prevention of diseases and timely treatment when diseases are found.

Matters needing attention

The soil should be neutral, not acidic or alkaline; pay attention to temperature changes in summer; think of ways to reduce the ambient temperature of breeding when it is more than 30 degrees; remember to shade under strong light; be careful not to water flower buds and tender leaves when watering, so as not to rot its flower buds and tender leaves; fertilizing should not be too high and must be diluted to avoid excessive concentration of "yellow-burning" plants; ventilation should be diligent, especially during flowering, but do not breed in the tuyere.

The above is the cyclamen breeding methods and matters needing attention introduced by the editor. Through this article, I believe you have mastered the cyclamen breeding methods.