
Method and time of planting edible lily

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Method and time of planting edible lily

The oppressive role of edible lilies is food and medicine, which is mainly used for soaking water or making soup, while medicine is mainly used in traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. In recent years, more people pay attention to health care than in the past few years. So lily has also become a national planting support project, many areas have started the cultivation of lilies, but the quality and output are not very high. Today, the pro-agriculture network wants to teach you the right time and the right method to plant lilies. I hope it can help your planting friends.

Planting time

The temperature of geese suitable for growing lilies is about 15 to 28 degrees. Take Hunan as an example, the planting time of lilies is usually August and September every year. Their growth periods are long and short, some can let them grow for two years, and some can just let them grow for one year, that is, they can be harvested in October or November of the following year. The time of planting can not be too early or too late, it can not withstand the cold winter can not stand the December moon, so the cold winter and December should pay attention to maintenance.

Planting method

1. Seed selection

When selecting seeds, first of all, we should choose good varieties with better yield, better taste and no bitterness, secondly to see whether lilies are complete and defective, and finally to choose larger, fuller, white and flawless lilies as seeds. Only in this way can we be high-yielding and make money. As the reproductive ability of lilies is not very good, so the number of seeds per mu will be a little large, as much as possible to estimate the area and density.

2. Land preparation

Lily's growth environment requires the soil to be relatively fine and loose, so we must pay special attention to leveling the land while constantly smashing large chunks of soil, and then sprinkling enough farm manure. Here, turn the land, mix the fertilizer well, and finally make ridges and ditches, which generally need two meters wide, that is, every two meters with a ditch for subsequent drainage and irrigation.

3. Sowing seeds

We need to treat the lily seeds with drugs before sowing, which can prevent many diseases. After the drug treatment, you can wait until the potion on the lily seed is dry and sow the seeds below. We usually follow the spacing of 15 to 25 centimeters between each plant and 30 to 45 centimeters between each row. After placing the seeds at this density, we should cover the seeds with fine soil five or six centimeters deep and water the soil once. Generally speaking, seedlings will not emerge until February and March of the next year, so in winter, they should be covered with a layer of straw to keep the soil warm.

4. Fertilization

In the whole growth process of lily, a total of three times of topdressing is needed. The first topdressing is after the emergence of seedlings in February and March, the type of fertilization is organic fertilizer plus urea or human feces and urine water to fertilize, and the second topdressing will wait until the lily seedlings grow to 10 to 15 centimeters in May, that is, when lilies breed new lilies, they mainly use phosphate fertilizer and organic fertilizer with high microbial content, and spray an appropriate amount of potash fertilizer to the leaves. After the third topdressing harvest, because the lily can be produced for many years, in order to ensure the annual yield in the coming year, it must be fertilized and maintained after harvest.

5. Disease prevention

The most common diseases and insect pests during the growth of lilies are land tigers, aphids, virus diseases and so on. Virus disease is generally caused by improper field management in the later stage, and excessive water in the field. We can spray 1.5% Zhishiling emulsion 1000 times for prevention and control, usually two or three times in a row. For ground tigers and aphids, phoxim can be avoided or sprinkled with trichlorfon.

6. Harvest

If you want to know when the lily is fully ripe, you can go through the stems and leaves on the surface of the coffin. When the lily is still growing, the stems and leaves of the lily are turquoise, and when the lily is slightly ripe, the stems and leaves will appear yellow and slowly show signs of withering. When it is fully ripe, that is, all the stems and leaves on the surface have withered, it can be harvested.