
Why does lettuce crack its stem?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Why does lettuce crack its stem?

Lettuce, which is an annual or biennial crop, is widely planted in various parts of our country. It is crisp and delicious and can be used for cold salad, stir-frying and so on. It is good for digestion and sober up. It is a common vegetable. But in the process of planting, lettuce often split the stem, then what is the cause of the split stem? Let's take a look.

1. Variety problem

When it is found that there is a split stem, we should first consider whether the variety is the one that is easy to crack. Because under the results of the experimental investigation, it is found that different varieties have different conditions for stem cracking resistance. For example, purple leaf varieties with purple leaves have higher yields, but they are more likely to crack stems, but on the contrary, green leaf varieties have lower yields, but the occurrence of stem cracking will also decrease.

2. Uneven fertilizer and water

In the process of planting and maintenance, if the ingredient and water supply of lettuce is uneven, suddenly dry and waterlogged, and the lack of water in the early stage of lettuce expansion will lead to the hardening of stem epidermis. Then it is found that when there is a lack of water, many friends will immediately water a lot of water, and the meat in the stem will begin to swell, but the epidermis grows slower because the skin hardens. Unable to withstand the growth rate of meat, resulting in split stems. Second, lettuce will crack if there is a lack of boron in the soil and fewer crop rotations. Because boron deficiency will lead to the decrease of vitamin C content in lettuce and the decrease of plant resistance, which makes lettuce split stem.

3. Temperature discomfort

Lettuce is a kind of vegetable that likes cool and afraid of heat. When producing meat in the stem, 20 degrees during the day is the most suitable temperature, and about 14 degrees at night. But when planting in spring, because the temperature is too low, the cold weather lasts too long when the lettuce expands. The growth and development of the stem is hindered, but the sudden increase in temperature will be the same as the decrease in dry temperature, the rapid growth of the flesh in the stem, but the growth rate of the epidermis can not keep up with the growth rate of the flesh, resulting in unbearable, split stem.

4. Improper management

In order to pursue high and high yield, many friends will apply a lot of fertilizer, but if excessive fertilization or not fully mature farm manure, too much nitrogen fertilizer will lead to soil consolidation and salinization, which will make lettuce stem split. In addition, a series of management problems such as overwatering too late, a large number of continuous cropping, untimely harvest and so on will lead to lettuce cracking.

The above four kinds are the basic reasons for the split stem of lettuce, because the skin of lettuce is inconsistent with the growth rate of meat, and the speed of meat is faster than that of epidermis. So in daily life, we must pay attention to this point, do not apply too much fertilizer, as long as pay attention to what problems I said, basically can greatly reduce the split stem of lettuce.