
Sunflower planting conditions required

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Sunflower planting conditions required

The sunflower is also known as the sunflower, because the sunflower always moves with the sun and gets its name toward the sun. Sunflower seeds are very high in oil. Melon seeds are sunflower seeds, which can be used to eat or extract oil. If you want to grow sunflowers, what conditions do you need to grow sunflowers? the following editor will tell you about the conditions needed to grow sunflowers.

1. Temperature

Sunflower is a tropical plant that comes from the tropics, but it can quickly adapt to the surrounding temperature. It is a temperature-loving plant but very hardy, especially the seeds have a strong ability to adapt to low temperature, as long as the ground temperature is more than two degrees, the seeds can germinate; the temperature needed for rooting is more than 4 degrees; and the temperature of emergence is only 8 degrees. But the optimum temperature for germination is about 35 degrees, and the highest temperature it can bear is 44 degrees. In fact, as long as the temperature is not lower than 9 degrees sunflower can grow and develop normally, the more suitable the temperature, the faster the growth and development.

2. Moisture

Sunflowers because the plant is relatively tall, each plant is more than 1 meter, so it will need a lot of water. It absorbs about twice as much water as many crops, but its growth cycle is synchronized with the rain and heat of the root planting ground, so the demand for water is not very obvious. Because sunflowers have different water requirements at different stages, the amount of water needed from sowing to bud stage is very little, about 2%, because this will enhance the drought resistance of the roots and is conducive to development. During the period from flowering stage to flowering stage, water demand is more than 40%. If not providing enough water, it may affect the yield and reduce the oil content of planting.

3. Lighting

Although the sunflower keeps turning toward the sun, it doesn't have a special need for light. Planting in areas with less sunlight can also grow and develop normally. Sunflower likes the sun because its leaf seedlings and disk have a strong phototropism. But if the sunshine is sufficient, it can prevent the seedlings from overgrowing, promote the growth of stems and leaves, increase the seed rate, and make the seeds full of flesh. Improve yield and quality.

4. Soil

Sunflowers basically have no requirements for soil, and they can grow on any soil. Because it has a strong salt tolerance, the soil salt content of 0.3% can normally emerge and grow, and is resistant to drought and waterlogging. Some experts have tested that sunflowers can blossom and bear fruit normally after nearly a month of drought and half a meter of flooding. Although there is no requirement for the soil, it is still necessary to control the degree of dryness and wetness, although it does not affect the growth, but it will have a certain impact on the yield of sunflowers.

Sunflower can not only be used to make melon seeds, it is also a medicine, which can treat toothache and soothe wind and clear heat. In the planting process, the only thing that needs special attention is moisture. Each stage has the amount of water needed at each stage. Too much or too little will affect the yield and quality of sunflowers.