
Symptoms and Control of Drug damage in Rice

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Symptoms and Control of Drug damage in Rice

Rice is the national staple food, and half of the people in the country must eat rice every day. In the process of planting, rice is bound to encounter a lot of diseases and insect pests, which must be controlled by spraying pesticides, but if pesticides are not used properly, it will lead to rice drug pests, and the harm of drug pests is no less than that of diseases and insect pests. What are the symptoms of the drug damage? How to prevent and cure it? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Symptoms

There are generally two kinds of drug damage to rice, chronic and acute. The initial characteristics of chronic drug damage are not very obvious, and the development speed is slow. Rice generally shows slower growth rate, fewer tillers and less rice grains, which affects rice yield. Acute drug damage will begin to occur within 1-2 days after spraying pesticides and will produce a series of symptoms, as detailed below.

The main results are as follows: (1) spots appear: when rice is infected with drug damage, yellow or brown spots will appear on rice leaves, which will hinder the growth of rice.

(2) Rice wilt: when the herbicide is used too much, it will cause the whole rice plant to wilt, and no herbicide should be sprayed at the rice seedling stage.

(3) stop growing: the drug damage caused by rice infection will hinder the growth and development of rice, and the growth rate will decrease, usually along with the spots.

(4) growth deformity: drug damage will also lead to deformity of rice leaves and roots, leaf curling, root expansion and so on.

2. The cause of disease

In order to make it convenient, many farmers will mix all kinds of pesticides together when spraying pesticides, resulting in high pesticide concentration, rice growing season in summer, high temperature weather is very beneficial to the occurrence of drug damage. Or the wrong use of pesticides, which is very easy to occur in many farmers, many people buy pesticides will not look carefully, some pesticides are suitable for some vegetables and fruits, but are used in rice, resulting in rice can not adapt to drug damage. There are misjudgments, some farmers can not accurately judge the disease of rice, did not prescribe the right medicine, not only did not solve the disease, but also caused drug damage.

3. Prevention and control methods

If it is found that many spots of rice are close to withering or the whole plant is close to withering, all the water in the field should be released immediately, some fresh water should be put into the field, some fertilizers should be added, and the nutrients lost due to pesticides should be replenished to restore the normal growth of rice. If the herbicide is sprayed by mistake, a large amount of water should be sprayed immediately in the field to wash away the weeds on the rice, change the water repeatedly and reduce the pesticide concentration in the field.

In fact, rice drug damage is more likely to occur than rice diseases, because many friends often spray a large amount of pesticides in order to prevent rice from being invaded by diseases and insect pests. However, no attention has been paid to the type and dosage of pesticides, and the excessive concentration will cause irreparable harm to rice, so the spraying of pesticides must be prevented according to the types of rice diseases and should not be carried out blindly.