
Causes and Solutions of Citrus Leaf Roll

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Causes and Solutions of Citrus Leaf Roll

The phenomenon of leaf curl often occurs in citrus planting, so many fruit growers have a headache, which not only causes leaf distortion and dullness, but also has a certain impact on yield. So what is the cause of citrus curly leaves? Is there any solution? Next, the pro-agricultural network will introduce it to you.

1. Root nematode damage

The root nematode has less body type and lurks on the citrus root system, constantly piercing the root system with an oral needle, losing the root system, causing the root system to grow out of small nodules, resulting in the root system unable to grow and develop, unable to absorb nutrients and water normally, resulting in the leaves being yellow and curling leaves due to lack of nutrients and water.

Solution: strengthen management, do a good job in root nematode control, once the disease is found, timely drug control.

2. Lack of elements

Citrus growth requires a variety of elements, each kind of deficiency will cause its abnormal growth, and the phenomenon of leaf curling may be due to the lack of trace elements such as boron and calcium.

Solution: fertilize frequently when planting, supplement the needs of plant growth, and apply organic fertilizer or multi-component compound fertilizer regularly to increase the content of trace elements in the soil.

3. A large number of fruits are hung.

Many fruit growers in planting due to proper management, is a large number of citrus fruit, originally achieved the goal of high yield, but there will still be leaf curling phenomenon. In fact, the reason for the large number of fruits is that the fruit needs sufficient nutrients and water when it grows, coupled with the late harvest of the fruit, excessive nutrient consumption, and the plant can not supply so much nutrients, resulting in leaf curling.

Solution: fertilizer is generally applied in the fruit stage to ensure the smooth growth of the fruit, and it should be harvested in time after the fruit is ripe, and fertilized immediately after harvest to supplement the nutrients consumed by the plant to pave the way for flowering and fruiting in the coming year.

4. Environmental factors

The environment will also cause the phenomenon of citrus leaf curling, which will occur in the environment of drought, low temperature, high temperature and highly acidic soil.

Solution: choose a suitable environment for planting, dry areas should be watered frequently to replenish water; low temperatures should take measures to keep warm and prevent freezing; in high temperature seasons, we should find ways to cool down, such as watering or watering more water to increase air humidity; if the acidity of the soil is too large, lime or plant ash mixed soil can be used to adjust acidity.

5. Improper application of winter fertilizer

In the low temperature in winter, fruit farmers will apply winter fertilizer to prevent frost, but if the winter fertilizer is not applied properly, the fertilizer concentration is high, resulting in root burning and damage to the root system, and the ability to absorb nutrients and water decreases in the coming year. Serious cases may rot roots and die.

Solution: pay attention to the method and concentration when applying winter fertilizer, do not touch the root system directly when applying fertilizer, avoid burning root, and apply water and fertilizer at the beginning of spring, which can strengthen shoots and buds and make leaves grow normally.

The causes and solutions of citrus leaf curling brought by the above pro-agricultural network, and the causes of citrus leaf curling are also diseases and insect pests, improper ring cutting and so on. In short, most of the reasons are nutrition and root problems. Do a good job in two aspects of protection, can put an end to most of the causes of leaf curling.